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Hijabi Parkour Athlete Sara Mudallal Jumps Because She Loves It

LA based parkour athlete Sara Mudallal says, โ€œAs a kid I always loved jumping on thingsโ€ฆ.Everywhere I go I just see the world as one huge playground.โ€

And now sheโ€™s starting to make a living out of her passion for jumping.

When she first found a parkour studio and was the only participant wearing hijab, it didnโ€™t bother her at all, and still doesnโ€™t as she now competes professionally.

The Parkour Hijabi

This is how you show to the world a hijab won't stop you from doing anything! ๐Ÿคธโ€โ™€๏ธ Thanks to Sara Mudallal

Posted by Zoomin Local Heroes on Friday, 8 February 2019


This garment on my head is not going to stop me from pursuing the thing that I want to do, that I love to do,โ€ Sara Mudallal said

We love watching Sara jump! Enjoy.

Want more inspiration to just do what you love in hijab? Check out these five hijabi athletes.

*Photo via Sara Mudallal Facebook by Tucker Phillips