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Long Term Debts: Permissible for Rewarded Hajj?

18 July, 2019
Q As-Salamu alaykum. I have long-term debts to the mortgage fund. Can I perform Hajj?


Wa `alaykum As-Salamu waRahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. 

All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

In this fatwa:

If a person owes a debt to the mortgage fund and he knows that when the time comes he will pay his debts, then Hajj is obligatory for him, even if he owes a debt.

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Answering your question, the late Saudi scholar Sheikh Ibn Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him), stated:

Long Term Debts

A debt which is due now takes precedence over Hajj, because this obligation comes before Hajj. So he should pay off the debt and offer Hajj. If he has nothing left after paying off the debt, then he should wait until Allah makes him independent of means.

If it is a long-term debt to be paid off at a future date, and the person feels confident that he will be able to pay it on the agreed date, then, in this case, the debt does not mean that Hajj is not obligatory for him, whether the lender gives him permission or not. If there is no guarantee that he will be able to pay it off as agreed, then he should wait until the date for the payment comes. (Fatawa Ibn Uthaymeen, 21/96)

Allah Almighty knows best.

Editor’s note: This fatwa is from Ask the Scholar’s archive and was originally published at an earlier date.
