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Is Entertainment Haram?

04 October, 2024
Q I want to work for a social media company which gives a platform for the entertainment sector people to integrate and find out their requirements for their work to create entertainment. Is my working as a marketing executive and social media promoter for such a company is halal or not? Is working in any form for such company permissible?


In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. 

All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

In this fatwa:

If you know that your work with the company will make a difference in the world, and it does not promote vices or corruption, then you may take it; otherwise, you shouldn’t. If in doubt, it is best to look for something clean and free from taints of haram.

In responding to your question, Sheikh Ahmad Kutty, a senior lecturer and an Islamic scholar at the Islamic Institute of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, states:

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What is lawful is clear

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said,

“What is lawful is clear and what is unlawful is clear, but between them are certain doubtful things which many people do not know. So he who guards against doubtful things keeps his religion and his honor blameless. But he who falls into doubtful things falls into that which is unlawful, just as a shepherd who grazes his cattle in the vicinity of a pasture declared prohibited (by the king); he is likely to stray into the pasture. Mind you, every king has a protected pasture and Allah’s involved limits is that which He has declared unlawful. Verily, there is a piece of flesh in the body, if it is healthy, the whole body is healthy, and if it is corrupt, the whole body is corrupt. Verily, it is the heart.” (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

With regard to every issue we face in life, we ought to ask: Is this permissible? What is my intention in doing it? Once you are clear of both; you may go ahead and do it.

Ask yourself

So, the question you ought to ask yourself: What is the entire focus of the business? Is this company merely focusing on making money regardless of the work it is supporting or facilitating? Alternatively, is it something beneficial; making a difference for promoting good?

If the focus is making money by hook or crook and not based on any ethical consideration, then a Muslim cannot work or condone or encourage it. The work we do should be something we should be comfortable and pleasing to us to be listed in our register with Allah.

One of the famous Muslim authors of the past passed away; he appeared in a dream of a pious friend. The latter asked him what lesson he would impart to him, now that he is reaping the fruits of his life-work? The author answered: Do not use your hands to write anything, which you would not be pleased to see in your register with Allah!

Will you make a difference?

Therefore, if you know that your work with the company will make a difference in the world, and it does not promote vices or corruption, then you may take it; otherwise, you shouldn’t. If in doubt, it is best to look for something clean and free from taints of Haram.

You should be creative in your search for halal alternatives. Often we fail to be flexible about the job choices which may restrict the options. When we think out of the box, opportunities may arise. Ask Allah for opening your mind to explore the possibilities.

Seek halal alternatives

The Prophetic Sunnah teaches us that there are always halal alternatives so that we must never think that we are stuck to pursue that which is haram.  Here are two duaas you should read often:

Allaahumma aghninee bi halalika an haramika wabi ta’atika an ma’siyatika wabi fadlika amman siwaka.

(O Allah, make me content with doing that which is halal for me so that I shun that which is haram. Make me satisfied with obeying Your commands and do end up disobeying You and let me be entirely happy with Your favor while turning for favors of the mortals.)

Allahumma aslih lee deenee alladhee huwa ‘ismatu amree wa aslih lee dunyana allatee feehaa ma‘ashee wa aslih lee akhiratee allatee ilayhaa ma‘adee wa ij‘al al-hayata ziyadatan lee fee kulli khayrin wa ij‘ali al-mawta rahatan lee min kulli sharrin.

(O Allah, set aright for me my religion which is the mainstay of my affairs. Straighten out for me my life in this world wherein is my sojourn. Also, make my hereafter pleasant and comfortable for me as it is my final destination. Bless my life by making it an opportunity for me to increase virtues and may the death for me as a source of ultimate relief from all troubles.)

Almighty Allah knows best.
