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My Husband’s Sexual Addiction is Killing Me

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27 April, 2017
Q As-Salamu Aleikom. I have been married for 22 years. It has been a love marriage. My parents weren't too happy at first but later gave their consent. I am not pleased about it. I do have regretted and have repented. I know it was wrong Islamically. Early into my marriage, the problems had started: my husband had an extramarital affair. He used to watch porn, he cannot lower his gaze and I have various types of problems with him. But I chose to stay due to my kids and maybe also due to the stigma of divorce. I have to admit that he is a good man, reads his salaah and Quran, and takes care of us financially. I haven't spoken to anybody about these problems. I know if you hide a sin of a person, Allah will hide your sins and inshaAllah I have hope that he will hide mine. I came through life giving my all to my kids, giving them an Islamic education. But many years down the line I think because I haven't dealt with my situation properly, I bottled everything, I think it has been affecting me and my marriage. I still have a lot of doubts. Is there any duaa that I can read to remove all this doubts and suspicions? Is there any duaa that I can read for the contentment of my heart and peace of mind? Please also advise on ways that I can get close to Allah. I pray regularly and read Quran and attend various Islamic programs, yet I feel that there is something missing. These issues I feel are now eating me up from inside. Please advise. Jazakillah, may Allah reward you in abundance.



As-Salamu Aleikom,

Thank you for submitting your question. I would like to offer you some tips and advice on how to move forward, in sha‘ Allah. Please watch the video below.

In this video, you will learn about:

–          the difference between revealing someone’s sins vs. seeking help from a counselor

–          the importance of taking practical steps to heal besides making du’aa’

–          how to voice your needs to your husband

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–          how to help your husband with a sexual addiction



Disclaimer: The conceptualization and recommendations stated in this response are very general and purely based on the limited information that was provided in the question. In no event shall AboutIslam, it’s volunteers, writers, scholars, counselors, or employees be held liable for any direct, indirect, exemplary, punitive, consequential or other damages whatsoever that may arise through your decision or action in the use of the services which our website provides. 

More from counselor Karim Serageldin:

Daughter-in-Law Has Brainwashed My Son

Erectile Dysfunction: How Will I Get Married?



About Karim Serageldin
Karim Serageldin, founder of Noor, completed his BA in psychology & religion, followed by an MA in east-west psychology with a specialization in spiritual counseling. He is a certified life coach with years of teaching and community outreach experience. His practical work and research includes developing a modern framework of Islamic psychology, relationship, family and youth coaching. He provides seminars and workshops in the United States. You can contact Br. Karim at: or