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Should I Choose A Muslim Name For My Baby?

12 August, 2024
Q As salamu `alaykum, I've named my baby girl " Janan ". I found it's meaning on the Internet (heart, soul). My problem is that people around me are criticizing that name, saying that it doesn't exist. I would like to know if the name exists, and if so, I would like to be confirmed of its meaning. If it doesn't exist, have I committed a sin by naming my baby after a non-Muslim? Thank you very much. Salam


In this counseling answer:

โ€ขIslam does not oblige Muslims to choose specific names, Arabic or non-Arabic for their children, this is left for the parents, however, this choice should meet certain rules, that assure that this is โ€œa good โ€œname because names are reflections of oneโ€™s belief, ethics, and personality, they also represent the values that you want your child to adopt and fulfill in life.

โ€ขPertaining to the name of your daughter Janan, also written as Jnan and Gnaan, I donโ€™t see anything bad or non-Islamic in it.

โ€ขIt is an Arabic name that means โ€œthe inner aspect of anything including the heart and soulโ€ which has a nice and decent implication of looking in the inside values, not to the outer look.

As salam Alaykum.

Dear sister โ€“ Every Muslim is assigned by Allah certain duties, which when fulfilled gives its benefits in life and in the Hereafter, and although Allah has always stressed being kind and dutiful to parents, He also encouraged parents to help their children to fulfill this obligation by being kind to their children.

The duties assigned by Allah to parents include:

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โ€ขChoosing a pious spouse

โ€ขChoosing good names for them

โ€ขTeaching them Qur`an

โ€ขGive them proper tarbiah

Islam does not oblige Muslims to choose specific names, Arabic or non-Arabic for their children, this is left for the parents, however this choice should meet certain rules, that assure that this is โ€œa good โ€œname, because names are reflections of oneโ€™s belief, ethics and personality, they also represent the values that you want your child to adopt and fulfill in life. It is reported that prophet Mohammad (pbuh) said:

โ€œYou will be called on the Day of Resurrection by your names and the names of your fathers, so have good names.โ€( Abu Dawud 41# 4930 ).

To have a good name, certain rules need to be fulfilled:

โ€ขIt should not indicate (from any aspect) any trace of shirk  or association of partners with Allah, eg: `Abd al-Ka`bah, `Abd al-Nabi, or `Abdul-Husayn (servant of the Ka`bah or servant of the Prophet, or servant of Al Husayn), since all of us are servants of Allah alone.

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โ€ขTo be neither hated nor shameful to the child and people around him, like those indicating mockery, evil, oppression or self-worthlessness. In this regard, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) changed bad names of some companions into good ones. For example, he changed the name of a woman from โ€œQalilahโ€ (A few) into โ€œKathirahโ€ (A lot), and the name of another from โ€œ`Aasiyahโ€ (Sinner) into โ€œJamilahโ€ (Beautiful), Harb (War) with Salam (Peace), Sa`b (Difficult) with Sahl (Easy to deal with)and so on.

A Muslim should avoid names indicating pomposity and vainglory. Prophet Mohammad said:

โ€œThe most detestable name for Allah in the Hereafter is that of a man who calls himself โ€œKing of All Kingsโ€, for Allah is the Lord of the Kings.โ€( Muslim)

โ€ขMuslims are also forbidden to name their children after the Finest Names of Allah, such as โ€œAr-Rahman (the Gracious), Al-Khaliq (the Creator), etc.

โ€ขIt is recommended to call children after the Prophets and righteous people, to keep them in memory, and follow their footsteps. If you called your daughter Khadijah, then donโ€™t forget to teach her piety, knowledge, charity and wisdom and if you choose Maryam then teach your daughter to follow her steps in decency, piety and endurance in the sake of Allah. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) named his son Ibrahim, and he said: โ€œI have called him by my fatherโ€™s nameโ€. He also said: โ€œName yourself with my name, but do not name yourselves with my kunya [i.e. Abul Qasim]โ€ (Bukhari 1: 110)

โ€ขIt is also recommended to call your children names indicating humility and servitude to Allah, in this regard The Prophit said:โ€œThe best names in Allahโ€™s Sight are `Abdullah and `Abdur-Rahman.โ€(Muslim)

Bearing these rules in mind we Muslims can choose any names that do not compromise our Islamic identity.

Pertaining to the name of your daughter Janan, also written as Jnan and Gnaan, I donโ€™t see anything bad or non-Islamic in it.

First, it is an Arabic name which means โ€œthe inner aspect of anything including the heart and soulโ€ which has a nice and decent implication of looking in the inside values, not to the outer look.

Second, It does not contradict with any or the rules mentioned above.

I only advise you not to call her Janan, if there is someone where you live who has the same name and is known to be indecent, or unjust, in such case it would be preferred (not obligatory) to change her name so as not to cause her shame when she grows up.

All my du`aaโ€™ for you and Janan that Allah would accept her with the pious and righteous as He accepted Maryam

{โ€œSo her Lord accepted her with a good acceptance and made her grow up a good growingโ€ } ( Al-Maryam 3:37 )


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