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The World of Jinn?!

15 May, 2017
Q What is the world of the jinn like?


Asalamu Alaikum,

Thank you for contacting About Islam with your question.

Dr. Shabir Ally addresses this question in the video below:


Aisha Khaja: Dr. Shabir, so, the question we’ve received: what is the world of jinns like and what types of jinns are there. 

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Dr. Shabir Ally: First of all, we should say that this is a separate world in that we are in a physical plane and jinns seem to be something that is very different, metaphysical. So, we do not see and touch them.

Jinns can respond to God’s revelation, positively or negatively. So, there are believing jinns [and] there are disbelieving jinns. Among the believing jinns, there are some who are more righteous than some others.

Among the disbelieving jinns, there are some who are more wicked than some others.

Aisha Khaja: So, do we believe that there is a world, like Muslims live on Earth, that there’s a world of jinns?

Dr. Shabir Ally: Yes. not necessarily a separate world, like a separate planet or something like this. But they could be all around us.

But it’s a separate different plane of existence in that there is no interaction between us and them except that we know from the Quran in the 72nd chapter which is known as Surat Al Jinn, the chapter of the jinn, that the jinns heard the recitation of the Quran and they said we heard a wonderful recitation.

Aisha Khaja: And are they commanded to do things like pray … all of that stuff? Or?

Dr. Shabir Ally: It looks like the belief system with which they are entrusted is similar to our belief system. They should believe in one God.

That same 72nd chapter of the Quran bears evidence to this that they say that they bear testimony that there is only one God and they’re not supposed to take anyone for God except that One true God.

Even though some of their kind have misled people, it seems that jinns do influence human thought. And one kind of jinn that influences human thought in a negative way is referred to as the shayateen or the devils.

And the chief among them is referred to as Iblis or as the Shaytan, the chief of the devils.

Aisha Khaja: Do other faiths believe in jinn as well?

Dr. Shabir Ally: Well, in Christianity we know that there is the mention of devils. It is shown in the Gospels that Jesus drove out devils from individuals. So, that would be the equivalent of the Muslim idea of jinn.

Of course, the Muslim idea of jinn is known more popularly among people when they think of rubbing a lamp and out comes the genie granting your wish. And though, of course, that’s not necessarily a true Islamic belief

I hope this helps answer your question. Please keep in touch.

Walaikum Asalam.

Please continue feeding your curiosity, and find more info in the following links:

Can We See The Jinn?

How Do the Jinn Operate? How to Protect from Them?

Beautiful Qur’an Recitation – Surah Jinn

About Dr. Shabir Ally
Dr. Shabir Ally holds a B.A. in Religious Studies from Laurentian University in Sudbury, Ontario, with a specialization in Biblical Literature. He also holds an M.A. and a Ph.D. from the University of Toronto with a specialization in Quranic Exegesis. He is the president of the Islamic Information and Dawah Centre International in Toronto where he functions as Imam. He travels internationally to represent Islam in public lectures and interfaith dialogues. He explains Islam on a weekly television program called "Let the Quran Speak". Past episodes of this show can be seen online at: