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Why Do We Send Peace and Blessings Upon Our Prophet if He is Already Sinless and in Jannah?

23 August, 2019
Q Why do we send peace and blessings upon our Prophet(saw) if he is already sinless and in Jannah? I would think he, being the pinnacle of creation and who has reached the place of ultimate peace and blessings, would not need us to ask intercession for him. I know al-Azhab 33:56 asks us to send blessings upon him but I always thought that meant while he was here in the Dunya. Care to clue me in on why we do so?


Short Answer: First, and foremost. because Allah has told us to. In the directive, there is nothing about โ€œwhile he is aliveโ€, we are simply told to do it. Also, the greatest reward is with the one who initiates the salams/blessings. Therefore, it is also for our benefit to do so. Also, it is a way of reminding us that even though the Prophet (pbuh) is no longer among us, he is in our hearts and, as such, we will remember him and, in sha Allah, try to make a conscious effort to follow his example. What would happen if we didnโ€™t remember him aโ€™udho billahi?


Many thanks for your question brother, it shows you have a keen interest in practicing Islam.

โ€œAnd We granted not to any human being immortality before you (O Muhammad); then if you die, would they live forever?โ€ [Quran 21:34]

โ€œVerily, you (O Muhammad) will die, and verily, they (too) will dieโ€ [Quran 39:30]

You can see from these two quotations the Prophet (peace be upon him) died. We also know that Prophets and Martyrs are โ€œaliveโ€ in the next world, in this case al-Barzakh. Yet we do not know what โ€œaliveโ€ in this context actually means. We do not know very much about al-Barzakh other than it is a waiting place between this world and the next.

โ€œThere is no one who sends salams upon me but Allah will restore to me my soul so that I may return his salams.โ€ This does not mean that he hears the words of the one who sends salams. Rather it is possible that he comes to know of those salams when the angels convey them to him.

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Abu Hurayrah narrated that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: โ€œThere is no one who sends salams upon me, but Allah will restore to me my soul so that I may return his salams.โ€ (Saheeh Sunan Abi Dawood, 1795)

Why Do We Send Salams upon The Prophet?

So now comes the question why do we do it?

First, and foremost. because Allah has told us to. In the directive there is nothing about โ€œwhile he is aliveโ€, we are simply told to do it.

Also, the Prophet (pbuh), himself, has said, โ€œShould a slave not show his gratitude?โ€ in response to a query about him (pbuh) asking for forgiveness.

Also, the greatest reward is with the one who initiates the salams / blessings. Therefore, it is also for our benefit to do so. Also, it is a way of reminding us that even though the Prophet (pbuh) is no longer among us, he is in our hearts and, as such, we will remember him and, in sha Allah, try to make a conscious effort to follow his example. What would happen if we didnโ€™t remember him aโ€™udho billahi?

Life in Al-Barzakh

The life of al-Barzakh is something special. The Prophets and the shuhadaโ€™ (martyrs) are alive in al-Barzakh as the Prophet (pbuh) said:

โ€œThe Prophets are alive and they pray in their graves.โ€ (Narrated by al-Mundhiri and al-Bayhaqi who classed it as saheeh because of corroborating reports in al-Saheehayn.) 

Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): 

โ€œAnd say not of those who are killed in the way of Allah, โ€˜They are dead.โ€™ No, they are living, but you perceive (it) notโ€ [Quran 2:154]

The nature of life in al-Barzakh is known only to Allah. It is not like the life of this world in which the soul remains with the body.  

The dead cannot hear the words of the living because Allah says: 

โ€œbut you cannot make those hear who are in (the) gravesโ€ [Quran 35:22]

As for praying for blessings for the Prophet (pbuh), this is also prescribed in Islam. One report that proves it is prescribed is the saheeh report from Abu Masโ€™ood al_Ansari who said: โ€œThe Messenger of Allah (pbuh) came to us when we were sitting with Saโ€™d ibn โ€˜Ubadah, and Basheer ibn Saโ€™d said to him: โ€˜Allah has commanded us to send blessings upon you, O Messenger of Allah. How should we send blessings upon you?โ€™ The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) remained silent until we wished that he had not asked him (pbuh). Then the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: โ€œSay: Allahumma salli โ€˜ala Muhammad wa โ€˜ala aali Muhammad kamaa salayta โ€˜ala aali Ibraheem. Wa barik โ€˜ala Muhammad wa โ€˜ala aali Muhammad kama barakta โ€˜ala aali Ibraheem fiโ€™l-โ€˜alameen innaka hameedun majeed (O Allah, send blessings upon Muhammad and upon the family of Muhammad, as You sent blessings upon the family of Ibraheem, and bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as You blessed the family of Ibraheem among the nations. Verily You are Most Praiseworthy, Full of Glory). And the salam is as you know.โ€ (Narrated by Muslim, 405)

Witnessing to the Truth of his Message

With respect, I think you have hinted at an answer when you say, โ€œI would think he (pbuh), being the pinnacle of creation and who has reached the place of ultimate peace and blessings, would not need us to ask intercession for himโ€. So, one answer could be, it is for our benefit. It is a personal thing for each one who does it. We know he receives what we send even though we are not in his presence.

May I also remind myself and you, that in his address during the Farewell Pilgrimage he asked the assembly to witness that he had faithfully communicated the message (of Islam); and, in sending salams / blessings to our beloved Prophet saws we are still witnessing to the truth of his message.   

And Allah knows best. May Allah send peace and blessings upon His Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions and may we follow that example, Amin.

I hope this helps.

Salam and please keep in touch.

(From Ask About Islam archives)

Please continue feeding your curiosity, and find more info in the following links:

Listening to Poems Praising the Prophet: Permissible?

Sending Blessings on the Prophet in Prayer: When?









About Daud Matthews
Daud Matthews was born in 1938, he embraced Islam in 1970, and got married in Pakistan in 1973. Matthews studied physics and subsequently achieved Chartered Engineer, Fellow of both the British Computer Society and the Institute of Management.He was working initially in physics research labs, he then moved to computer management in 1971. He lived and worked in Saudi Arabia from 1974 to 1997 first with the University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran,and then with King Saud University in Riyadh. He's been involved in da'wah since 1986.