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Same Sins: Why Do Non-Muslims Only Deserve Eternal Hell?

17 October, 2018
Q Why are non Muslims who commit the same crime as Muslims more deserving of eternal punishment when they both do wrong in the eyes of Allah? Is that not a form of supremacy because the misguided non-Muslim doesn't know anything about Allah or his prophet whereas the misguided Muslim does? Should they not both abide in hell forever if they do the same sins?


Short Answer: Every person will get his/her fair reward based on their iman (belief) and deeds. We live in this world on average around 70-80 years, but Allah is offering us an eternal Paradise wherein we get whatever we want eternally without having to work ever again- if we believe in Him and do the good deeds He instructed. This opportunity is open to ALL people now. No one is forced to sin or disbelieve. All people have equal opportunity to get this now. So, what’s preventing them? But if disbelievers choose to disbelieve, reject and deny Allah, then why do they want to enter His Paradise?! Why would they end up in the same place as those who have lived their entire life working sincerely to get close to Allah in His eternal Jannah?


Peace be upon you, Dear Reader,

Thank you for sending us your question.

First of all, we need to establish an essential point for this discussion.

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Yes, the sense of justice you are feeling is commendable, but we must remember that The One who instilled in you a sense of justice in the first place is Allah Himself.

Justice (‘adl) is one of His Attributes. He is The Source of it, its Origin and its Bestower.

You and I and everyone on earth will never even remotely come close to the level of justice that He has.

He has full knowledge of the past, present, and future, and He has full knowledge of the seen and the unseen. So, His judgment is the best judgment.

He also informed us that He has made injustice forbidden even for Himself.

Abu Dharr reported that the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace), reported that Allah, the Glorified and Exalted, said:

“O My slaves! I have forbidden injustice for Myself and I have made it forbidden among you, so do not wrong one another.” “O My slaves! It is only your actions which I have appointed for you. Whoever finds good should praise Allah. Whoever finds other than that should only blame himself.'” (Al Adab Al Mufrad)

So let us now discuss the issue you raised.

Real Life Examples

Think about this, you are a teacher and you have the following two students:

One student attended all classes on time, participated in class discussions, finished all required projects, answered the assignments and the midterm exam, but he failed the final exam that counts for 30% of the grade.

The other student didn’t even show up to class at all, he missed all course requirements and missed the whole semester and also failed the final exam.

Which of the two students will fail more miserably and repeat the whole semester?

Yes, they both failed the final exam that counts for 30% of the grade, but it is not JUST about the final exam.

The final exam has only 30% of the grade.

The second student will repeat the whole semester, not because of this one mistake of failing the final exam, but because he missed the whole point of the class!

The other student, though he failed the same exam, had done an effort throughout the semester and he fulfilled the purpose of his education by going to class and doing all the course requirements.

If you are a fair and just professor you won’t make the two of them equal.

One of them has missed the entire purpose of his education, while the other made only one big mistake.

This is why they’re not equal.

Now, back to your question.

If a Muslim and a non-Muslim sinned, they both may get punished, but if a non-Muslim is more severely punished it’s not because of this one sin, but because he missed the entire purpose of his creation!

Who is More Worthy of Jannah and who is Worthy of Hell?

People don’t get eternal Hell for a sin; they get it only for arrogant disbelief.

If anyone lasts in Hell, they’re punished for arrogantly, persistently and deliberately denying their Creator who gave them this life and for using all His blessings while ignoring Him.

Think about it, if you gave someone one million dollars for a small task, and then this person- instead of thanking you- denied you completely and cut all ties with you and missed the whole task you asked for…. would you accept this?

Now, what’s the price tag you put on the precious human life and all the blessings Allah has showered us with?

All the blessings of seeing, hearing, breathing, loving, experiencing beauty, learning, laughing… everything around us that He created for us…. Is it acceptable to take and enjoy all that while rejecting and denying Him?

All that Allah Almighty wants from us is gratitude and faith. He says in the Quran:

“What would Allah do with your punishment if you are grateful and believe? And ever is Allah Appreciative and Knowing.” (4: 147)

Isn’t this the least we can give Him in exchange for this life and the eternal paradise that He will grant us?

Remember: this life is a test. Being born Muslim does NOT mean one has a free ticket to Jannah or one has already succeeded in the test.

Many born Muslims end up leaving Islam or committing major sins, and many non-born Muslims accept it wholeheartedly and do a much better job than born Muslims.

Every person will get his/her fair reward based on their iman (belief) and deeds.

We live in this world on average around 70-80 years, but Allah is offering us an eternal Paradise wherein we get whatever we want eternally without having to work ever again- if we believe in Him and do the good deeds He instructed.

This opportunity is open to ALL people now. No one is forced to sin or disbelieve.

All people have equal opportunity to get this now. So, what’s preventing them?

But if disbelievers choose to disbelieve, reject and deny Allah, then why do they want to enter His Paradise?!

Why would they end up in the same place as those who have lived their entire life working sincerely to get close to Allah in His eternal Jannah?

“Then is one who was a believer like one who was defiantly disobedient? They are not equal.” (32:18)

Allah is Fair, Just, Wise and The Most Generous.

He will not be unjust with people, but it is the people who chose to commit injustice against themselves.

Hope this helps.

Salam and please keep in touch.

(From Ask About Islam archives)

Please continue feeding your curiosity, and find more info in the following links:

God Is Merciful- Why Hell?

Are Everyone’s Wishes Granted in Paradise?

Why Hell – Is Muhammad’s God Vengeful?

Why Would God Create Us to Go To Hell?

What is the Description of Paradise?





About Dina Mohamed Basiony
Dina Mohamed Basiony is a writer based in Cairo, Egypt. She specializes in Islam and spirituality. Dina holds an MA and BA in Journalism and Mass Communication from the American University in Cairo.