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Prosperity Gospel: Does Prayer Increase Our Wealth?

25 October, 2017
Q Please explain me for these following questions , 1) Allah has predetermined everything in our lives and power has all over all things. In our lives we are seeing many peoples, some of them are living rich and some of them are living poor according to economically. Poor people are struggling for every need in their entire life. Over all, rich and poor people mixed up in every religions as well as atheist people also. I heard one hadith story in that a wealthy merchant went to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and asked, "I am earning more money than enough and how to stop it?" Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) replied to him, "stop your prayers." My doubt is, so if we pray, will Allah give us wealth in this life? In this world, rich and poor people mixed up in every religion. Other religion people are not praying Allah, then how still they are so rich? and even Atheist people also?


Short Answer: “That “hadith” is fabricated, meaning we have no proof that Prophet Muhammad ever said such a thing… If Allah would base His sustenance on belief and disbelief then He would simply withhold water from disbelievers… The more we have, the greater the responsibility; therefore, the greater the accountability will be… If people in a certain area collectively believe in Allah and follow His commands properly then He will increase their sustenance, not to necessarily make them rich but to make them content with Allah’s provision, and that is the best type of wealth.”

Salam Dear Reader,

Thank you for your question and for contacting Ask About Islam.

Initially, there is no such hadith. That “hadith” is fabricated, meaning we have no proof that Prophet Muhammad ever said such a thing.

Therefore, the entire concept that those who pray will be rich and those that don’t will supposedly become poor is baseless.

Providence Is From Allah, For Us All

Allah gives to or holds from whomever He pleases.

We read in the authentic hadith that Sahl bin Saad narrated that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said:

If the world to Allah was equal to a mosquito’s wing, then He would not allow the disbeliever to have a sip of water from it. (At-Tirmidhi – Sahih)

This is indirectly telling us that if Allah would base His sustenance on belief and disbelief then He would simply withhold water from disbelievers.

Our Gratitude or Ingratitude Only Affects Us

Allah tests people in many different ways.

When He gives abundantly then He expects to be thanked abundantly.

But when people forget Allah because of their wealth then this will only turn against them on Judgement Day.

We read in the hadith; it was narrated from Abu Sa’eed Al-Khudri that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said:

The poor Muhajirun will enter Paradise before the rich, the equivalent of five hundred years.  (Ibn Majah – Hasan)

This hadith is telling us that the more we have, the greater the responsibility; therefore, the greater the accountability will be.

True Contentment Can’t Be Found In Wealth

This world is not about rich and poor, but it is about contentment versus discontentment because so many poor people are living happier than many rich people.

It is, however, a fact that if people in a certain area collectively believe in Allah and follow His commands properly then He will increase their sustenance, not to necessarily make them rich but to make them content with Allah’s provision, and that is the best type of wealth.

Allah says in His book:

And if the people of the towns had believed and guarded (against evil) We would certainly have opened up for them blessings from the heaven and the earth, but they rejected, so We overtook them for what they had earned. (Quran 7:96)

Not Everything That Seems Bad Is Bad

We might not always notice Allah’s hidden provisions and blessings but they are there; we just have to realize them.

For example, you didn’t get a certain job because Allah has a better one awaiting you or has a different plan that is best for you.

When we pray and supplicate to Him, He will destine what is best for us in this world and He will reward us in the Hereafter.

We must always put our trust in Him; if we do we then will never go astray.

We are to use the means that He provides and the results are in His hands.

I hope this helps answer your question.

Salam and please keep in touch.

(From AboutIslam’s archives)

Read more…

Why is the Muslim Majority So Poor?

Islam’s Stance on Poverty and Wealth

Does Allah Answer the Prayers of Non-Muslims?

Why Are There Fortunate and Unfortunate People?