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Ijtihad 101: Why, When & How We Re-Interpret Islamic Law

19 October, 2022
Q Respected Sir or Ma'am, I hope you are doing fine by the blessings of mighty God. I have a chain of questions about ijtihad. What is the origin of ijtihad? What was & is its importance? What is its importance and stand in Islamic philosophy? Why aren’t we served and guided by our scholars and mujtahideen about God's commandments, which are seriously attacked nowadays? Thank you very much for your time and explanation.


Short Answer: Ijtihad is the Arabic word for the exercise of one’s reasoning to arrive at a logical conclusion on a legal issue done by jurists to deduce a conclusion as to the effectiveness of a legal percept in Islam. It’s important because Islam is universal and people are always facing new challenges which old interpretations did not consider. But only qualified scholars can do it, and only when interpreting Islamic law around things which are debatable, not solid, unchanging Islamic fundamentals.

Salam Muhammad, 

Thank you for these questions and for contacting Ask About Islam

Your questions reflect deep insight and true search for knowledge, along with good understanding of the teachings of Islam. 

What is “Ijtihad”?

The word “ijtihad” is an Arabic word taken from the origin jahd, which means exerting efforts.

In the juristic sense, ijtihad is the legal process in which the jurist practices his own reasoning based on the Shari`ah stipulated conditions to derive or produce the rulings pertaining to issues in conformity with the general spirit of Shari`ah and its objectives.

Ijtihad therefore is an exercise of one’s reasoning to arrive at a logical conclusion on a legal issue done by jurists to deduce a conclusion as to the effectiveness of a legal percept in Islam. (Sari`ah; The Islamic Law, by Abdur Rahman I. Doi)

Its Importance

In fact, allowing ijtihad is one of the most important characteristics of Islam since it shows the flexibility of the Islamic Shari`ah and its suitability to all times and places.

Ijtihad is really important for offering solutions and to provide the perspective of Shari`ah in any new issue, since Muslim jurists agree that the more people live, the more they have new issues and the more we will need new rulings for these issues.

With the amazing progress in technology and science, people face new problems and need solutions for them. They will turn directly to Shari`ah for consultation and guidance.

If Shari`ah is unable to provide solutions and answers, this will be considered a big deficiency in the sense that it will not be considered valid for all times and spaces.

Thus, to close the door of ijtihad is to say that Islam is not transcendent of time and place, which is rejected totally.

Who Can Practice Ijtihad?

When we say that the door to ijtihad is not closed, this does not mean it is open for everyone.

Shari`ah is not open for tampering or every passerby.

It is only scholars who are well-versed with Shari`ah that can practice ijtihad.

The one who practices ijtihad is called mujtahid.

There are certain conditions for a mujtahid, which should include the following:

  • One must be well versed with the Quran, the reasons and occasions of revelation, the rulings of general and specific (`aam and khaas), and the rulings of abrogation.
  • One must know the Sunnah, the classification of hadith, the ways of narration, and the science of narrators (`ilm Ar-rijaal).
  • One must be well-versed with the Arabic language, the syntax, the science of rhetoric, the figure of speech, and the ways of expression (turuq al-bayan).
  • One must be well-acquainted with all other sources of Islamic law, including ijma` (juristic consensus), qiyas (deduction), and istihsan (juristic preference).

When to Practice Ijtihad?

As stated above, ijtihad is not open for just anyone; rather, it is only open for the erudite scholars.

Also, in the scope of ijtihad, not all topics and issues are subject to ijtihad, for the rule goes: no ijtihad in the existence of a legal text. 

Thus, the basics of Shari`ah that are well-defined in the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, are not subject to ijtihad.

Therefore, there is no ijtihad to define the shares of inheritance since they are well explained in the Quran and there is no ijtihad to define the punishment for theft, adultery, high-way robbery (hirabah), since all these are explained in exactness in the Quran.

Also, no one can practice ijtihad to say that hijab is not obligatory, since it has been declared mandatory in the Quran by the Lawgiver. 

Also, there is no ijtihad in issues that are well-known and defined in Islam like the basics or in matters previously decided and unanimously agreed upon.

No one can practice ijtihad in the issue of the Oneness of Allah or the number of daily prayers since this is already established. 

One Final Point

Mujtahid is always rewarded so long as the one who practices ijtihad does so purely for Allah’s sake.

This is because we read in the hadith:

If a ruler practices ijtihad and reaches a right decision, he will get double reward (i.e. one for his ijtihad and the other for his right decision.) And if he is to reach a wrong decision, he gets one reward only. (Reported in Sunnan Abu Dawud.)

Also, a mujtahid who practices ijtihad while being qualified and able to do it, then he is not subject to blame.

When the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, commanded his Companions to pray `Asr in the dwellings of Banu Qurayzah, some of them understood the instruction as a command to go there quickly and others got the exact wording of the instruction as a direct command.

While the former prayed `Asr at their place and further proceeded to the dwellings of Banu Qurayzah, the latter waited till they reached the dwellings and prayed there.

The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, did not reproach any of them since each group used their ijtihad

In recent times, there are lots of voices, some asking for ijtihad to be abandoned, while others crying for its doors to be opened in front of everyone.

But it is not for either.

Ijtihad is for the moderates who follow the real guidance of Islam. 

The Muslim nation is not void of mujtahideen, for in each time there are many scholars and mujtahideen who are entrusted with preserving God’s religion, defending His laws, and offering solutions to people.

A great name of a renowned mujtahid in the modern time is Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, may Allah bless his life and keep him safe! Ameen.

Thank you very much and please keep in touch.


(From Ask About Islam’s archives)

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