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This Oldham Muslim Receives New Year Honor for Community Activism

Oldham Muslim community activist Mahbubur Rahman has been named in the recent New Year’s Honors List, receiving a British Empire Medal (BEM) for community and charitable activities.

The award recognized more than 20 years of involvement in charitable causes and community initiatives in Oldham.

Rahman, a father-of-two, volunteers with a few organizations including Outta Skool and I Love Bangladesh (ILB).

📚 Read Also: 50 British Muslims Recognized in New Year Honors

“Whatever I do, I do as a good human being. Receiving the award came as a shock as voluntary work has made me more confident,” he told Asian Image.

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“Voluntary work actually builds your skill set and you feel good for helping people. The reward is from Allah as I don’t benefit financially.”

The Muslim activist expressed his heartfelt gratitude and dedication to the Oldham community. 

“I am deeply honored by this recognition. It’s a reflection of the collective spirit of Oldham,” he said. 

“This award is a shared achievement with every resident of Oldham who strives to make our town a great place.”

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Muslim Council of Britain congratulated all who have been named for 2024.

“We extend our heartfelt congratulations to all individuals honoured by King Charles in this New Year’s Honors list,” Zara Mohammed, Secretary General of the MCB, stated in a statement.

“It is truly encouraging to witness the acknowledgment of outstanding contributions to our society, underscoring the crucial role that faith communities consistently play in shaping our diverse Britain.

“Whilst we approach this New Year amidst much challenges and tragedy, it is important to take this moment and recognize those individuals striving to make a difference.”

For the full list of honors, please check.