In your 20s, it is normal and healthy to have sexual desires and feel attraction. Finding a way to channel these energies is the best thing to do.
You may have confusing feelings, as you haven’t experienced being in a relationship yet. Marriage can help things fall into place in a natural way; furthermore, it can help define and refine your desires.
For us, Muslims, marriage with a member of the opposite sex is the halal way to meet our needs and enjoy the blessings of these feelings.
Kindly explore your possibilities for marriage and seek a compatible spouse you can bond with first.
In sha Allah, you will find a brother who will embody your attraction, fulfill your sense of belonging, and help control your desires.
Click here for the full advice!
More from Sr. Aisha:
- Same-Sex Feelings: How to Get Rid of Them?
- Depressed Because I’m Feeling Unattractive
- Depression & My Arranged Marriage
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