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Foster Friday Raises Awareness within Muslim Community

Mosques from across the UK will take part in “Foster Friday” campaign, with Friday prayer sermons to raise awareness and dispel misconceptions about fostering in the Muslim community.

The campaign, now in its 6th year, is taking place during the Fostering Networks national campaign, Foster Care Fortnight, from 9th to 22nd May.

Participating mosques had option to do the sermon on past Friday May 13, or upcoming May 22 Friday.

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“On the day, during the Jummah Khutbah (Friday Sermon), mosques across the country will talk about the important role foster carers play and the need for more foster carers from a variety of backgrounds to come forward to meet the current gaps within the sector which sees a shortfall of Muslim foster carers,” Muslim Foster Network wrote in a statement.

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Love & Care

Sponsoring the campaign, Muslim Foster Network want to send the message that one of the most important aspects is the ability to love and care for a child and give them a stable home.

“We know that Muslim children are disproportionately represented within the care system and we urgently need to work on bridging these gaps and making foster care a more accessible option for BAME Muslim individuals who wish to foster,” the statement read.

“There has been keen interest from within the communities who would like to foster but may have concerns they want to address and this day provides ample opportunity for people to seek advice and guidance on the next steps to make that journey possible.”

In Islam, Muslim parents are urged to treat children with respect and to nurture, love and educate them.

Islam also endorses fostering orphan kids, allowing Muslims to a boy or a girl and takes care of him or her as a real father or mother would do to their child while keeping in mind that the child should be named after his/her biological parents.

Yet, Islam makes it impermissible to adopt a child and name him after his adoptive parents, while denying his real parents.