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Islamic School In UK’s Top 100 for Third Year

CAIRO – For the third year in a row, Preston Muslim Girls’ High School has been placed in the top 100 schools nationally, achieving a hat-trick remarkable success.

“At PMGHS (Preston Muslim Girls’ High School) we don’t just aim for the stars, we reach them; we don’t just expect our pupils to reach their targets, we want them to exceed them,” delighted headteacher Mufti Javid, told Lancashire Evening Post on Thursday, March 17.

“We want our girls to be better than they ever thought they could be to be more than they ever thought was possible.”

Javid congratulated all students and their parents on their hard work and success.

“We have high expectations at PMGHS and these pupils have had to work hard for what they have achieved,” he said.

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“I am certain that the excellent progress they have made, their outstanding GCSE results and their all-round education will equip them well for future successes.

“A special thanks to all of the staff, governors and parents as well. We know how important this partnership is ensuring that our pupils do well. As our students move on to further education, training and employment we know that the skills, knowledge and experiences that they have gained from attending this highly commended school have provided an invaluable bedrock for their future success. We wish them all well.”

For years, independent Islamic schools remained at the top score of UK GCSE results, setting example for faith schools as successful, highly-achieving and inspiring educational institutes in Britain.

The Muslim schools overall average of students who received 5 or more A*- C grade GCSEs, including English & Maths, exceeded the national average with 9 schools achieving a 100% success rate – only 55 schools achieved the 100% landmark in the whole of the UK.

Check a short list of the successful examples as the highest-achieving Islamic educational institutes in Britain here.