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How to Stay Productive and Patient in Ramadan

Ramadan is time for worship, prayers and supplication. So, how can we remain productive and patient despite numerous distractions?

Between planning iftar, attending invitations and finding time to keep up with extra work Ramadan can be a difficult month to stay on-target with goals and to-dos.

Undoubtedly fasting puts a break on some of our most beloved past times and trains us to be patient. This is a necessary virtue if we want to attain success both in this world as well as in the Hereafter. It is stated in the Qur’an:

{Indeed, I have rewarded them this Day for their patient endurance – that they are the attainers of success} (Al-Mu’minun 23:111)

Here are a few tips that will help you stay on track for your Ramadan goals and improve your productivity during the blessed month.

1. Allah is with the patient

When dealing with people in daily life, if we come across an unpleasant and provoking situation, let’s be tolerant and forbearing to keep our fast unharmed. We should especially endeavor to remain silent when angry.

Allah says in the Qur’an:

{And [Allah] will reward them for what they patiently endured [with] a garden in Paradise and silk garments} (Al-Insan 80:15)

Practicing patience can be extremely hard but its reward is without account.

2. Invest in your family relations

Being productive does not just mean figuring out ways to work better, it also means figuring out how to rejuvenate yourself particularly with family. Ramadan is a golden opportunity to rekindle and maintain the bonds of kinship.

Do something special; spend quality time with your loved ones. You will be surprised at how much satisfaction you will attain. This bonding enjoys extraordinary importance in Islam. We know all too well that severing the ties is very high on the list of enormities. In two places in the Qur’an, Allah has cursed the one severing family ties.

{And those who break the covenant of Allah, after its ratification, and sever that which Allah has commanded to be joined and work mischief in the land, on them is the curse, and for them is the unhappy home} ( Al-Ra’d 25)

3. Don’t waste time or procrastinate

Fasting throughout the workday is a challenge, particularly for those who are fasting in the heat. However, it also serves as a great way to learn better work habits. When we are fasting, there is no time to be lazy because we are likely getting hungrier as the day progresses.

One useful habit is to do things exactly when they come up, because procrastinating only means suffering.

Ramadan, while a favorite time of year, it is a month of intense focus and scrutiny on every thought and action. It’s like running a marathon for a month straight. It’s detoxifying for the body and cathartic for the soul.

Use this time to remind yourself that the mind and body are so much more capable than we give them credit for. Breakfast, lunches and coffee become an afterthought.

It is also a time to scrutinize how we act and what we say towards those around us. Just trying to be a little better all around. Small efforts yield big results. Look forward to it every year

4. Adjust your intentions

One easy tip to enhance your productivity is to review and adjust your intentions behind routine actions. Tweaking your intention and seeking to please Allah through your regular acts will make huge difference. This way, your sleep at night to catch suhur, going to work and eating ifitar will all count as good deeds.

Remember, every action is judged by its intention!

5. Remember the less fortunate

Ramadan makes us recall those whose circumstances are more difficult than ours. However less fortunate you may be, you can still find others less fortunate and more in need than you. At least, one may think of people who are in danger of starvation in certain parts of the world today.

This will help us increase our patience and thanksgiving. With such mindset, one is forced to work harder and offer more in terms of charity and generosity.

6. Make most of your time

If you work, Ramadan may be the month you stick to your desk during lunch hour so you can leave an hour early. Or you can be proactive and use your lunch hour to read your daily Qur’an, make some  dhikr and du`aa’, or even do a quick shopping run for things you may need the next day.

7. Do a self-evaluation

At the end of each day and week in Ramadan, review your level of productivity. Did you get done what you intended to?

If not, what got in your way? Not being able to say no? Too many distractions? Was it your own feelings and emotions?

What could  have been done differently? What will you do differently tomorrow? Be sure to acknowledge what worked and do more of that.

Follow the advice of `Umar Ibn al-Khattab:

“Hold yourself accountable before you are held accountable and weigh your deeds before they are weighed for you”.

8. Start building habits

According to experts, it takes 21 days to build a habit. Others say longer. Exactly how long it takes does not really matter.

The point is, you have to put the work in up front if you want a habit to stick so why not use Ramadan to get started.

Whether you want to start reading more Qur’an every day or waking up for night prayers, seize Ramadan time to start habit forming and set yourself up for success.

Patience with these worships will ultimately make you more productive and of most importantly will end you up in Jannah, insha Allah.

In conclusion, rather than panic about Ramadan stresses, try to embrace all the great things about it. You might struggle to adopt all of these strategies but picking up any one of them is sure to make a difference.

So don your biggest smile, renew your intentions and be sure this Ramadan will be your best one yet.

About Deana Nassar
Deana Nassar is a published writer. As a mother of four, in her home she’s the sole expert on all things related to marriage, children’s psychology, motherhood and creative survival. She loves charity work, reading and writing poetry, and is mostly known for writing articles discussing family and social issues, faith, freedom, and purpose that comes through God. She can be reached at