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Birmingham Muslims Feed Homeless in Ramadan

BIRMINGHAM – A group of Muslims who fed the homeless and hungry in Birmingham, the UK over the Christmas are doing the same again, this time throughout Ramadan.

“Thank you to all the volunteers that have helped out in Birmingham City Centre, and a big thank you to Let’s Feed Brum who is an excellent charity that was also working alongside us to help feed the needy and homeless in Birmingham,” Shahed Syed, founder of Birmingham Outreach Foundation told I Am Birmingham on June 4.

The foundation’s volunteers have been meeting in the city center every week throughout the Hijri month of fasting to distribute food and drinks to hundreds of needy.

As part of their mission statement, they “promote social inclusion amongst vulnerable members of the community who are excluded from society because they’re unemployed, homeless or who are struggling financially, by the provision of advice in relation to housing, employment, and welfare as well as other areas which the trustees deem fit.”

Over the Christmas period, the charity organization set up a fortnight-long hot and dry foods distribution from the Birmingham Central Mosque in Highgate, built in the 1960s, which is one of Europe’s largest mosques.

The foundation also manned the mosque’s external Food Bank, ensuring those in need could take away dry and tinned foods to cook at home; a service which they have continues to provide every Saturday.

As part of Ramadan activities this year, the foundation has joined forces with fellow charity Let’s Feed Brum for regular food handouts and have been getting a great response.

According to 2011 Census, Birmingham hosts UK’s largest Muslim community outside London. Between the 2001 and 2011 censuses, the proportion of Muslims increased from 14.3% to 21.8%.