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Did Muslims Ever Make Any Contributions to Mankind?

27 October, 2016
Q Has there ever been one decent Muslim in the history of mankind?


This response is from About Islam’s archive and was originally published at an earlier date.

Salam (Peace) Dear Questioner, 

Thank you for your question and for contacting Ask About Islam.

Since some people do not read history books, they have an excuse not to know that in history Muslims and Islamic civilization were the undisputed leaders of culture and science in the world for a full seven hundred years.

For most of this time Europeans kept themselves busy fighting each other in woods, living in miserable circumstances and burning women in their famous witch-hunts.

They even burnt their scientists in the name of the Lord. At the same time, red Indians were having great time in North and Latin America and in many areas where they had civilizations too. At that time, the US was not even born yet.

If you look on the net, you will also find some statistics and data on Muslim countries. If you bother look around you, you will find many Muslims holding PhDs and teaching in Universities. They serve in many Western countries in all domains, in UK and all European ministries, universities, as well as domains of economy.

Tourists go to many Muslim countries for sightseeing and to learn about Islamic civilization, which gave Europe, through its recognized discoveries and concepts, the foundations of the European renaissance.

Colonialism followed and the “civilized” Northern masters abused the South, starting with the British colonies. Then many other empires followed.

Americans enslaved Africans to build their capitalist economy, three hundred years ago. This is while red Indians became victims of that newly emerging modernist empire. On anti-globalization sites on the net, you will find fellow Westerners who can provide you with data and information on what is going on in world economy.

I hope this answers your question. Please keep in touch.
