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To Lead a Happy Life… Manage These Three Components

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How can we lead a happy life with all the challenges we go through?

The three components of you: your mind, heart and body, affect your happiness immensely.

For the mind, one prescription is to reconsider what you focus on. People who are problem-focused are prone to anxiety.

Overthinking about one’s predicaments makes them bigger.

Sister Yasmin Mojahed explains how to the three components of personality can be managed to make your life happy.

More about happy life:

About Yasmin Mogahed
Yasmin Mogahed received her B.S. Degree in Psychology and her Masters in Journalism and Mass Communications from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. After completing her graduate work, she taught Islamic Studies and served as a youth coordinator. She also worked as a writing instructor at Cardinal Stritch University and a staff columnist for the Islam section of InFocus News. Currently she’s an instructor for  AlMaghrib Institute, a writer for the Huffington Post, an international speaker, and author, where she focuses most of her work on spiritual and personal development. Yasmin recently released her new book, Reclaim Your Heart, which is now available worldwide. Visit her website, , where you can find a collection of her articles, poetry, and lectures.