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Surat Al-Hijr: Allah Will Guard His Religion

Surat Al-Hijr delivers a message of support to the believers: Allah will guard His revelation, His religion, and His true servants. So trust Allah, keep on spreading the message and raising awareness about this beautiful Deen, and do not fear the backlash.

The Surah has short, inspiring verses that pump energy and faith into your heart by reminding you of the things Allah has taken care of:

He took care of the Qur’an and preserved it:

{Indeed, it is We who sent down the Qur’an and indeed, We will be its guardian.} (Al-Hijr 15:9)

Allah protected the heavens from the devils who try to get some hints about the future:

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{We have set constellations up in the sky and made it beautiful for the observers. And (moreover) We have guarded them from every cursed devil:} (Al-Hijr 15:15-16)

Allah has preserved people’s sustenance and provisions (Rizq), and delivers that Rizq in a well-calculated and destined manner:

{We have provided sustenance in it [i.e. the earth] for you and for all those creatures for whom you do not provide. There is not a thing whose storehouses are not with Us. We send it down only according to a well-defined measure} (Al-Hijr 15:20-21)

Allah also has vowed to protect His true servants from the tribulations and seductions of Iblis:

{You will have no power over My servants, only over the ones who go astray and follow you} (Al-Hijr 15:42)

After all those affirmations from the almighty, are you still ashamed from being a Muslim and holding on to this message? Why don’t you trust Him and move on with your life?

Two Stories of Destruction

Two stories are given: community of Lut and community of Saleh (Thamud). The angels came to prophet Ibrahim with mercy and good news of the upcoming child (Isaac) [15:51-56]. The same angels carried the news of the destruction of the people of Lut [15:57-79].

This is confirming a very profound rule in this universe: if you obey Allah, His creatures will be at your service, whereas if you choose the other route then the same creatures will bring you destruction and punishment.

In a similar fashion, the stars are a decoration to the lower heaven [15:16] but also they are missiles for the devils who go against Allah’s will [15:18].

The people of Thamud were given a special name in this Surah: The people of the Rocky Tract (Al-Hijr). Allah mentioned that they used to feel safe in their houses created inside the mountains:

{They carved out dwellings in the mountains, and lived in security} (Al-Hijr 15:82)

But of course, no one can secure himself from the torment of Allah if it falls upon a nation.

Action Item

The Surah invites you to ponder on the creation of Allah and look at the majesty and beauty in it. It also reminds you to trust Him in all affairs, and not get intimated by the plotting and evil of the wrongdoers, because Allah is on your side

The Surah concludes with a direct command to the prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) to continue his message, and promises that Allah will protect him from his enemies. This verse was particularly revealed when He was commanded to take his message to the public after 3 years of giving da`wah in secret:

{So proclaim openly what you have been commanded [to say], and ignore the idolaters. We are enough for you against all those who ridicule your message} (Al-Hijr 94-95)

Taken with some modifications from the author’s blog.

About Dr. Mohannad Hakeem
Dr. Mohannad Hakeem is an educator, activist, and author who has studied traditionally under multiple scholars in the Muslim world for the past 20 years. He is originally from Lebanon and currently resides in Dearborn, MI, USA, where he has helped establish multiple community initiatives and organizations, with a focus on youth empowerment and education. His most recent book, "The 40 Hadith on Community Service," draws inspiration from the Quran and the Sunnah to provide young Muslims with an "algorithm" for success and excellence in both the worldly life and the afterlife. In his professional career, Dr. Hakeem earned a PhD in Mechanical Engineering. In this role, he has taught several students, conducted research, and authored 80+ patents and technical papers.