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When is Your Eid Fitr 1437?

The Astronomical New Moon (conjunction) will occur on Monday the 4th of July, 2016 at 11:01 UT. The moon can be only seen with telescopes in South America and in Polynesian Islands.

But on Tuesday the 5th of July, the moon can be easily seen in Australia, Southeast Asia, Middle East, Africa, and Americas.

This means that the holy month of Ramadan will be full 30 days ending on Tuesday July the 5th, while the beginning of the 10th Hijri month Shawwal and thus the first day of Eid Al-Fitr will occur on Wednesday the 6th of July 2016.

The months of the Islamic Hijri Lunar-based Calendar begin when the first crescent of a new moon is sighted. Since the Hijri Year is 10 to 11 days shorter than the solar year, Hijri months migrates throughout the seasons.

Donโ€™t forget to observe the six days of fasting during Shawwal beginning the day after Eid ul-Fitr since fasting is prohibited on this day. These six days of fasting together with the Ramadan fasts, are equivalent to fasting all year round.

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Check the following 3 moonsighting world maps, find your location and see the visibility probabilities of your site.

29 Ramadan 1437

29 Ramadan 1437


30 Ramadan 1437

30 Ramadan 1437


1 Shawwal 1437

1 Shawwal 1437