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Texas Muslims Host Winter Drive for Syrian Refugees

TEXAS – An Islamic center in southern Texas has urged people to donate winter clothing, blankets, and toys to be sent to Syrians facing the harsh winter in Lebanon and Jordan refugee camps.

“We have a lot of Syrian refugees both in Jordan and in Lebanon, and they live in tents,” Dr. Samer Jifiba told

“Life gets miserable when it’s too cold.”

Organized by Helping Hands for Relief and Development, the winter drive was hosted by the Islamic Center and the Corpus Christi Immigration Coalition.

“The Islamic Society of Southern Texas, with help from the Corpus Christi Immigration Coalition, is spearheading a drive for supplies that will be delivered to nonprofits in Houston before reaching refugee camps in Lebanon and Jordan,” a pamphlet for the event reads.

The center hopes to receive items such as cold weather clothes, bedding, shoes, and toys.

The ongoing crisis in Syria is in its 7th year and as a result, 250,000 people have been killed and more than 50% displaced.

Of the over 4,810,216 registered Syrian refugees, 635,324 are residing in Jordan where 86% are living below the local poverty line.

Over 13.5 million people are in urgent need of humanitarian assistance inside the country.