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Muslim Toddler Whose Mother Sued Trump Buried

CALIFORNIA โ€“ Abdullah Hassan, the two-year-old who battled a degenerative brain disease and his mother sued the Trump administration to visit him in the hospital in the US, was buried on Saturday, December 29.

โ€œWe are heartbroken. We had to say goodbye to our baby, the light of our lives,โ€ Ali Hassan, the boyโ€™s father, who is also an American citizen, said in a statement issued by CAIR Sacramento Valley.

The Hassan family, including Abdullahโ€™s mother, Shaima Swileh, had been living in Cairo, where the couple moved following the outbreak of war in Yemen in 2016.

They had been unable to move to California because Shaima, a Yemeni national, was turned down for a visa under the Trump administrationโ€™s 2017 travel ban.

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After Abdullah was diagnosed with a degenerative brain condition, Ali decided to take his son for treatment to California in October.

But, without a visa, Shaima Swileh was forced to stay behind. Swileh finally received a visa waiver from the State Department on the morning of Dec. 18

โ€œAli and Shaima are in our thoughts and prayers as they mourn the loss of dear Abdullah,โ€ CAIR-SV Civil Rights Attorney Saad Sweilem, who represents the family, said in a statement.

โ€œWith their courage, this family has inspired our nation to confront the realities of Donald Trumpโ€™s Muslim Ban. In his short life, Abdullah has been a guiding light for all of us in the fight against xenophobia and family separation.โ€