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With Green Khutbah Campaign, World Muslims to Celebrate Earth Day

TORONTO โ€“ Muslims across the world will commemorate Earth Day on Friday, April 19, 2019, with the Green Khutbah Campaign as religious leaders deliver a sermon to raise awareness on the environmental challenges facing humanity.

โ€œWe are encouraging mosques, schools, universities, and Islamic Institutions to devote their Friday Khutbah to celebrate the blessings, graces and beauty of all of Godโ€™s creation and to raise awareness on the environmental challenges facing humanity,โ€ said Muaz Nasir, the publisher of the Canadian environmental website, and one of the founders of the Campaign.

โ€œThis year the theme of the Green Khutbah Campaign is โ€˜Climate Change: Working Together to Solve a Global Challengeโ€™ whereby we encourage Muslims to evaluate their contribution towards global warming and consider the implications for current and future generations,โ€ Nasir added.

With Green Khutbah Campaign, World Muslims to Celebrate Earth Day - About Islam

The Campaign was launched in 2012 in Canada and, every year, Imams across the world are encouraged to deliver a message that reminds their congregations of the Qurโ€™anic message to be stewards of the earth and its environment.

The Green Khutbah Campaign commemorates Earth Day that will take place Monday, April 22.

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The first Earth Day, held on April 22, 1970, activated 20 million Americans from all walks of life and is widely credited with launching the modern environmental movement.

More than 1 billion people across the world now participate in Earth Day activities each year, making it the largest civic observance in the world.

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