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Grandmas Are Not Terrorists: People Protest Muslim Ban

WASHINGTON DC – Protesting President Trump’s revised Muslim ban, American people are sharing photos of their grandparents who were not excluded from the ban imposed on Muslims from six Muslim-majority states.

One Iranian-American Middle East analyst Holly Dagres started a social media campaign posting a candid photo with her grandmother with the hashtag #BannedGrandmas and #GrandparentsNotTerrorists, Indian Express reported on Wednesday, July 12.

Her tweet went viral with several people retweeting and liking it, including Bernie Sanders’s wife, Jane.

While many argued that the ban is temporary and only for 90 days, she rightly highlighted, “Some still don’t understand the #MuslimBan. Yes, it says 90-days, but for countries like #Iran it’s indefinite since there’s no US ties.”


Since then she started an Instagram account and has been sharing many pictures of grandmas.

“Let’s be real. Whose grandmother has ever committed a terrorist attack?” she said.

As the country’s Supreme Court ruled that the travel ban could not be used against anyone from the six countries who has a “bona fide relationship” with the US, the Trump Administration watered it down.

According to the revise ban, spouses are allowed, but not fiancés; parents, but not grandparents.


@rezmatic’s mamani is now banned from the US? Her crime: giving Reza jaan the knowledge to educate the masses.

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Talking to Vogue, Dagres spoke about how her movement has given a human face to the travel ban and hit an emotional chord with zillions of people online.

“Grandfathers are really important, but I think it’s the grandmas that symbolise the nucleus of the family,” says Dagres.

“The only thing grandmothers are really guilty of is giving too many hugs and kisses and feeding you too much. When has a senior citizen ever committed an act of terror?”

@hdagres is the curator of @theiranist and her late mamani would be banned from the US today.

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In less than a fortnight since it was started, after the ban was implemented on June 29, it has created quite a buzz and has gained around 1900 followers.

“The travel ban is absurd and unjustified on so many levels,” she argues.

“This concept of ‘bona fide relationship’ is bogus. Close family doesn’t actually apply to blood ties,” she was quoted by the Guardian.