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Muslim Ban Ruins Couple’s Los Angeles Honeymoon

LONDON – A British couple dream honeymoon in Los Angeles and Hawaii has been ruined after the couple were detained for 26 hours in a US airport and then deported because the groom was Muslim.

“I am in utter shock that this has happened,” the wife, Natasha Politakis, 29, told Metro News on Tuesday, July 25.

“We had just got married, we were on our way to our honeymoon as excited as anything, and never expected that we would be deported.”

Politakis and her new husband Ali Gul, 32, paid £7,000 for their dream two-week trip to LA, Hawaii and Las Vegas.

But they ended up having to spend more than a day in LAX airport in Los Angeles, before being refused entry entirely and flown back to the UK.

The couple were kept in airport detention center, refused a shower and had all of their possessions confiscated.

When they tried to find out why they were detained, officials handcuffed them and marched them onto a flight back to London.

“We were treated like criminals and we had all the relevant documentation and answered all their questions,” she recalled.

“It’s not OK to treat people like that. As far as we knew before we left everything was fine, but as soon as we got there they wouldn’t let us in.

“We believe that since Trump was elected, they took one look at his name, thought he was Muslim and didn’t let him in.”

Though no one told them the reason for detention and deportation, the wife expects it was because of her husband’s Turkish name and Islam religion.

“All we want is answers as to why our entire trip was ruined,” she said.