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From Univ. of Bolton with First-Class: Four Siblings Celebrate Colorful Graduation

Four Muslim siblings have graduated with first-class degrees in computing from the University of Bolton.

Bilal, aged 28, Umer, 27, Hajra, 26, and Amina, 25, moved to the UK from Pakistan in 2018.

All studied three-year computing programmes, with Bilal and Umer specialising in cyber security, Asian Image reported.

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They said: “Studying together was a unique and supportive experience. We were able to help each other with difficult topics, share resources, and keep each other motivated.

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“Having siblings in the same university meant that we always had someone to discuss ideas with and seek advice from.”

The siblings highlighted the supportive experience of studying together, helping each other with difficult topics, sharing resources, and collaborating on projects, which strengthened their bond and made learning enjoyable.

“It also made the challenges easier to handle, as we faced them together,” they said.

“Being in some of the same classes allowed us to collaborate on projects and assignments, which strengthened our bond and made the learning process more enjoyable.”