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Blind Indian Muslim Writes Qur’an In Braille

JHARKHAND – A visually-impaired Indian Muslim woman has finished the writing of the holy Qur’an in Braille language, in an effort she hopes would help blind students interested in learning Qur’an.

The challenge started when Nafees Tareen, a school teacher in one of a Bokaro school, desired to read Holy Qur’an, the BBC New Hindi reported.

Yet, none of the masters showed interest to educate her as she was visually-impaired.

A possibility of fulfilling her dream approached when Quran hafiz and scholar Mohammad Taslim showed interest of teaching her Qur’an.

While pursuing her dream, she wanted to write the Qur’an in Braille language to assist other blind people.

It took Nafees three years, from 2005 to 2008, to complete the Hindi translation in Braille. After completion of Qur’an it took a lot of time to rectify the errors.

In order to rectify her translation, Muftis from Bokaro appreciated her work and confirmed the Qur’an without errors.

Imam of Ghous Nagar Masjid, Bokaro confirmed that every chapter starting from Surah Al-Fatiha till the ending chapter Sura Al-Naas was written correctly.

A self-confident Nafees is eagerly waiting for trustworthy people or organizations to come forward to publish her Braille Qur’an in order to benefit the visually impaired.

Braille is a writing system which enables the blind and partially-sighted people to read and write through touch. It was invented by Louis Braille (1809-1852), who was blind and became a teacher of the blind.

Muslims believe that being disabled is a test from Allah in this life, and therefore can be a blessing in disguise.

Every disabled person should be patient and live up to this challenge.

Islam also instructs Muslims to offer people with special needs due respect and attention.

They should be cared for and all their needs should be fulfilled and they should not be isolated as they are an integral part of the society.