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US Writer Publishes First Halal Sex Guide

LONDON โ€“ An American Muslim author has penned the first ever halal sex manual for women, after being asked by a newlywed acquaintance to share some tips to young Muslim wives.

โ€œI put an emphasis on having sex only with your spouse, but having the full range of sexual experiences with that spouse,โ€ the US-born Muslim writer, who goes by pen name Umm Muladhat told The Observer on Sunday, July 16.

โ€œIslamically, thereโ€™s an emphasis on enjoying physical relationships within the context of marriage, not just for procreation. It is the wifeโ€™s right that her husband satisfy her sexually.โ€

Umm Muladhat wrote The Muslimah Sex Manual: A Halal Guide to Mind Blowing Sex, which was released last week.

The book was inspired by a newlywed acquaintance who asked her to share some tips as she had no idea what to do with her husband in bed.

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โ€œHer sex life was horrible. In fact, it was fast becoming non-existent. She had been a model Muslimah her entire life. Before marriage, she had never so much as held a non-mahramโ€™s hand, let alone become physically intimate with one,โ€ Umm explained on her website.

โ€œShe had eagerly looked forward to marriage as a chance to finally indulging in all the physical intimacy she had postponed for the sake of Allah.โ€

โ€œShe didnโ€™t know what he liked. She didnโ€™t even know what she liked,โ€ Umm explained.

So Umm wrote down all the knowledge sheโ€™d gained from 30 years of marriage, chats with friends and magazine articles.

Taboo IssueUS Writer Publishes First Halal Sex Guide - About Islam

Meeting the girl a month later, the happy wife begged her to share her knowledge on the taboo issue.

โ€œPlease, write this down and share it with other Muslim girls,โ€ she told her. โ€œNo one teaches this. Weโ€™re thrown into marriage and only know the fiqh and the biology.โ€

โ€œI wrote down everything I told her on a Word document and emailed it to her. She shared it with her friends who were newly married,โ€ she explained.

โ€œThey shared it with their friends. Before long, word trickled back to me that people were asking me to write a book on the subject.โ€

For Umm, the guide came to help many Muslim women who are confused about what sexual acts are permissible in Islam, and the misconception that females shouldnโ€™t enjoy sex.

โ€œGuilt associated with sex is drummed into women from childhood,โ€ she explained. โ€œItโ€™s portrayed as something dirty where womenโ€™s sexuality is often controlled.โ€

As a result, women end up going into marriages without the confidence to say what they want or to speak up when they donโ€™t enjoy something.