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Inspired By Her Son, Canadian Mom Initiates `Eid Toy Drive

MISSISSAUGA – Farida Pedhiwala, a Canadian Muslim mother, is cooperating with the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA)’s Relief Canada in Mississauga to collect toy donationsز

The toys will be distributed through the food bank to children celebrating `Eid Al-Fitr.

“I decided to work on this project when I couldn’t articulate the importance of giving charity in Shari`ah and sharing wealth to the less fortunate with my three-year-old son, Adam,” Pedhiwala told Mississauga on June 3.

Pedhiwala says as Adam is turning three next July, he is beginning to wonder and grasp the reason behind fasting, Ramadan and `Eid.

“I have the fondest memories of my grandfather who always had our `Eid gifts ready,” she continued.

“It wasn’t so much about the materialistic aspect, it was about the excitement, completing all the fasts, being a good example all month, and celebrating the day with friends and family. I can’t imagine a kid having Eid without a gift.”

Celebrating the end of the fasting month of Ramadan, the three-day `Eid Al-Fitr festival is one of the two main religious celebrations in Islam, together with `Eid Al-Adha.

After special prayers to mark the day, festivities and merriment start with visits to the homes of friends and relatives.

ICNA Relief Canada is a registered, community-led charitable organization that has served over 57,000 individuals and 14,000 families across Canada regardless of faith.

“Our community here didn’t have an `Eid toy drive, so I’d like to set this project as an annual one. We decided with ICNA Relief Canada to wrap the toys and tag them before drop-off by July 4,” Pedhiwala hopes.

The 2011 census of Mississauga indicated that Muslims represent 11.9% of the city’s total population.