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Who Are the Unique Believers in Allah?

We have all learnt that just because you have been given a lot of good things it doesnโ€™t mean that Allah is pleased with you. Likewise, if Allah has taken something away from you it doesnโ€™t mean that Allah is upset with you. 

Who are the unique believers in Allah? Allah says when you see the believers who donโ€™t have much (verse 54 of Surat Al Anโ€™am), the poor and the downtrodden, when you see them as believers, they are believers in Allah! 

We see people in the mosque and their clothes may be old and tatty but Allah tells us to give them importance. We tend to give importance to people who are similar to us in status or who have higher status than us. 

Allah warns us not to be this way. He tells us to reach out to those who are below us materially because they might be higher than us in their status with Allah. We should never rebuke them or mistreat them because they donโ€™t have what we have. We could have insulted someone who Allah loves so much! 

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