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When our Prophet (pbuh) Felt Sad

The greatest antidote to depression, the greatest way to feel goodness in your heart is to read surah ad -Duha. It is the surah which tells you to be positive and feel good about Allah (swt). 

This surah was revealed at a time when the Prophet (pbuh) did not receive revelation for 6 months. The Prophet thought Allah did not want him as  a Prophet. We all get these thoughts like โ€œDoes Allah love meโ€ โ€œlook at the way my life is going what does Allah want from me?โ€. 

Allah tells the Prophet that he will go to jannah, He promises us jannah, and then gives us reasons to believe in Allah and to believe in His promises, Didnโ€™t Allah find us lost and guide us? 

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