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What Is the Best Thing to Do in Shaban?

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We are now in the month of Shaban and we need to get ourselves ready for Ramadan. What is the best thing to do in Shaban?

The best thing to do in Shaban is what our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) used to do. Our Prophet (PBUH) used to fast a lot in Shaban. Plan to fast some of the remaining days of this month.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is reported to have said: “every deed you do is multiplied by 10-700 times.” This is except for fasting, because fasting belongs to Allah. Allah will reward you for fasting and this means the reward for fasting is huge. It is too big to be mentioned.

The purpose of fasting in the days of Shaban is so that when you enter Ramadan you are physically and spiritually ready for it.