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These 7 Things Harm Your Mental Health!

Mental health awareness is becoming more and more prominent in our society. We still have a long way to go but it is a start to be aware and to know how important it is to take care of our mental health. These 7 things harm your mental health without you even realising it.

1. Being stuck in the past – replaying old conversations in your head or coming up with better come-backs is damaging. 

2. Living with a fixed mindset – people who have a fixed mindset are not motivated to learn because they believe they are not cut out for it. This is not true. 

3. Excessively seeking reassurance – if you ask yourself constantly “am I doing it right?” or “is it good enough?” then you could be developing depressive symptoms! 

4. Feeling no support during difficult times – do you feel that you don’t have anyone to talk to during hard times? This can cause distress to your mental health. 

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5. Forgetting to take mental health days – you need to have “me” time! It is extremely important to have a break. It will stop you from leading to burn out. 

6. Setting unrealistic expectations of others – is perfection the only answer for you? This will lead to disappointment. 

7. Not sleeping enough – do you only sleep 6 hours or less a day? This is why below the 8 hours we should get. Sleep deprivation can negatively affect daily activities. 

Take care of you and your mental health!

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