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Dealing with Different Levels of Understanding

Always keep in mind that people have different levels of understanding, because of their background, education, and other factors.

In this brief reminder, Sheikh Hamza Yusuf describes how the Prophet (PBUH), treated people depending on who they were.

For example, the Prophet (PBUH), during his early period, the way he treated people was very different from his later period, not because he changed, but because, the level of consciousness and awareness of the people had changed.

So for instance, there are many hadiths in which the Prophet (PBUH), excused the most gross breaches of courtesy.

During the time of the Prophet, there was somebody who yanked his coat. He was a bedouin man, and he literally yanked his coat.

The Prophet, was light skinned, and because of that a red mark appeared on his neck.

And the Prophet, smiled and dealt with this man in a very beautiful way, partly because he understood he was a bedouin, and the bedouins are very rough in their behavior.

But partly because people are ignorant, and when people are ignorant there is a different level of understanding.

Muslims Today

Muslims today have distanced themselves so far from some basic teachings, that to apply the same hadiths that we find in the Sunnah of the Prophet, that relate to a later time now would be a gross injustice.

This is something that takes knowledge and discernment of understanding the situation, the level of the person that you are talking to of who is in front of you.

There are many people who have tape recorders and they have pre-recorded messages that they are going to deliver.