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Finding the Purpose of the Quran

We all have wondered once what is the purpose of the Quran, is it just a book to follow rules?

In this video, Ustadha Taimiyyah Zubair explains that the Quran’s revelation to the Prophet (PBUH) is the blessing  for all of us. We must dig deeply into it to understand its function and meaning.

Reflecting upon the Quran is a must to keep inner peace and feel connected to Allah.

Alongside reading the Quran, it is always very useful to learn about the context to put things in perspective. Sometimes you read the Quran and the verses aren’t meaningful to you. Later on you will come across a situation that will remind you of these verses and will help you to make sense of it inshaAllah.

This is a book which we have revealed to you oh Prophet (PBUH) so that you bring people out of darkness into light.

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Light in arabic is “NOOR”, a word that is recurrent in the Quran.

She explains that the Quran is for all of us, to shed light on our lives and the problems we will have go through. The verses of the Quran are here to heal you and give you hope.