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Dua to Make You Remember Allah All the Time!

Here is a dua to make you remember Allah all the time! Prophet Muhammad told Muadh ibn Jabar (RA) that he loved him for the sake of Allah. He told him he wanted to give him some advice.

After finishing the salah don’t forget to say “Allahumma A’inni ala zikrika wa shukrika wa hisni ibadatika.”

O Allah, help me, give me support, and strength and ability that I remain consistent and continuous on Your remembrance. And that I remain grateful to You and that I remain in a state of gratitude to You.

Why should we say this? Today, people are not grateful for what they have. We look to others and see what they have and we forget the blessings that Allah has forgiven us.

We have forgotten what is said in this dua! When we say this dua after praying, we should be reflecting how we will perfect ourselves in our worship after that!

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