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Dua for Entering and Exiting the Bathroom

Islam is a complete way of life alhamdulillah. There is a dua for almost every occasion. The Prophet (pbuh) recommended we recite these duas on entering and exiting the bathroom. When we do this we will get rewarded just for using the bathroom! 

Anas ibn Malik reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, would say upon leaving the lavatory, โ€œAll praise is due to Allah, who has removed the harm and granted me wellness.  Source: Sunan Ibn Mฤjah 301

โ€œBismillaah, Allaahumma inni aโ€™oodhu bika min al-khubthi waโ€™l-khabaaโ€™ith (In the name of Allaah, O Allaah, I seek refuge with You from evil and from the male and female devils).โ€

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