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Do You Practice what You Preach?

Do you practice what you preach? Or do you tell people to do certain things while you do the opposite? We need to strengthen ourselves.

Allah gives us an example in Surah Al Baqarah. He says “are you instructing people to do good but you are forgetting yourselves?”

When we are in society we should do our best to lead by example. Yes, we are humans and we may falter. We may pay the price for some mistakes. However, we must remember to try our best to practice what we preach.

We will empower people in this way and they will take us serious if we actually put into practice what we have learnt before we preach it.

What if you have a bad habit, like smoking. Can we tell people not to smoke? The answer is yes, we can but we must try to quit it ourselves. If we are engaging in a sin don’t tell people to do it. If we do that, we will get a sin for everyone who follows it.

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We should encourage and help each other when it comes to righteousness and piousness. We shouldn’t help each other when it comes to sin.