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Ask Allah for This Every Single Day – Beautiful Reminder

Feel down and depressed? Is it ever permissible to ask Allah for death? Ask Allah for this every single day! Beautiful reminder!

A young man was very depressed and he went to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and said: “I want to die.” Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said to him “you are wishing for death whilst I’m still amongst you?”

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) then told him “instead of wishing for death ask Allah “O Allah, let me live as long as life is good for me and take my life when You know it is best to take my life.”” Prophet Muhammad also said: “none of you should wish for death, maybe you are a good doer so you will be able to excel in your good deeds or you’re a sinner so you will have a chance to go through something or to repent or go through a trial in life that will purify you.”

Never wish for death because when a person died their deeds will stop. Nothing increases in life of a believer except for good. We can ask Allah for a good ending and it is Sunnah to ask Allah to die in Madinah.