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Are There Verses in the Quran to Ask for Children?

A questioner asks are there verses in the Quran to ask for children? In the Quran Allah mentions many stories of his Prophets. In these stories we learn about Zakariya (AS) and Ibrahim (AS) where both of them prayed to Allah to bless them with children.

Ibrahim (AS) prayed that โ€œO my Lord, grant me from the righteous.โ€ This means grant me an offspring who is righteous.

Zakariya (AS) prayed โ€œO my Lord, do not leave me alone and you are the best of the inheritors.โ€ Zakariya also prayed โ€œO my Lord, grant me from Yourself a good child, indeed You are the One who hears duas.โ€

These stories show us that we should pray to Allah so that we can have children. There is no harm in reciting these verses so that we can take inspiration.