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Why was the qiblah changed?

There are some reasons the scholars deduced for the change of qibla from Jerusalem to Mecca. Some of them include the following:


1- It is a test for the true believer, who submissively accepted the command of Allah without objection . The Quran provides, “And We made the Qiblah which you used to face, only to test those who followed the Messenger from those who would turn on their heels. Indeed, it was great (heavy) except for those whom Allah guided”. (Al-Baqarah 2:143)


2- This ummah is the best of nations, as Allah says, “You are the best of peoples ever raised up for mankind.” (Aal `Imran 3:110)

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Confirming the passage on qiblah, Allah says, “Thus We have made of you just and the best nation (ummatan waṣatan). (Al-Baqarah 2:143).


Wasatan conveys meanings of justice and of being chosen. So, Allah has chosen for this ummah goodness in all things and the best commands and rules, and thus He chose for them the Qiblah of Abraham.


Imam Ahmad reported in his Musnad from Aishah that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said about Jews and Christians, “They do not envy us for anything as much as they envy us for Friday, to which Allah has guided us and from which they have gone astray, and for the qiblah to which Allah has guided us and from which they have gone astray, and for our saying Ameen behind the imam (in prayer).


Almighty Allah knows best.

Thursday, Jan. 01, 1970 | 00:00 - 00:00 GMT

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