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Hadith and Science

Wa `Alaykum As-Salamu Wa-ramatullah Wa-barakatuh.

My first intake on this is that the term (resemblance) could be in relation to the gender of the infant not the physical appearance. If that is the case, the narration in Al-Bukhari, Ahmad and others spoke about this angle of resemblance of gender: “if a man’s discharge dominates over the women’s, the child will be male by Allah’s leave. If a woman’s discharge dominates the man’s, then the child will be female, by Allah’s leave.”


As you know, the husband’s sperm carries both male and female gender in it XX & XY, and in order for the sperm to reach the woman’s egg, it must go through the woman’s discharge. Now the sperm is alkali and the woman’s fluid is acidic and that’s how we can understand the resemblance in relation to gender by the domination WATER.


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Pay attention that the prophet (peace be upon him) did not say which water. And here some people are confused between the intimate or arousing fluid and other discharges.


On another note, not long time ago if you spoke to any physician about female prostate, they would make fun of you. But lately, researchers are talking about Skene’s Gland and its relativity to sexual discharge by females during intercourse.


It spoke about matching men’s prostate except no sperms in it and it is located next to the urine discharge area by females. Research is still going on if such fluid has to do with a baby’s formation or not.


Now this fluid does discharge during wet dreams by females. I do not think we should rush into conclusions in this area and reject an authentic Hadith because we did not encompass its science nor that we make a judgment on a research matter that is not final and absolute yet.


Would science tell us in the future abut a direct relation in resemblance to the physical appearance? We do not know yet. For now I see it as resemblance in relation to the gender only.


Almighty Allah knows best.

Thursday, Jan. 01, 1970 | 00:00 - 00:00 GMT

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