May Allah shower all His tranquility and mercy upon your heart. You should make a balance in this situation. Marriage is intended to fulfill emotional, financial and social needs. Based on that, scholars maintained that marriage may be obligatory, recommended, permissible, disliked or prohibited. It depends on the situation and the personal circumstances of man and woman. If a woman, for example, is afraid of committing adultery, she must seek to fulfill her emotional needs through marriage. I think you must not respond to peer pressure because they judge your situation superficially without understanding all the networks of your thoughts and your expectations of a future husband. Moreover, you must not exaggerate in the qualifications you set for your future husband. As long as he is acceptable from religious and behavioral perspectives, trust Allah and go ahead. You should also ask the help of your relatives who are religiously committed to search for a suitable match. You should also put in your mind that no marriage is free of conflicts. You might have been exposed to see those conflicts at some of your surrounding families which made you afraid to taking a step. You must be realistic in your conditions and choice. Once you have an acceptable match, pray istikharah and consult others about him. If it goes well, trust Allah and try to be a good wife for him. May Allah bring up peace and tranquility to your heart.
Thursday, Jan. 01, 1970 | 00:00 - 00:00 GMT
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