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Got Fatwa Queries? Seek Scholar’s Advice for Clear Answers

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Question 1:

I am working in a company. I am taking service from other company and they are giving commission to me as because of giving business.

They are giving this commission from their profit. The exact amount is same in the market.

So is it permissible or not?

Answer 1:

In the Name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the Mercy-Giving.

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All praise is due to Allah. Peace and blessings be upon His Prophet Muhammad.

As what you are doing is mainly a part of your job in this company, it is not permissible to take such a commission because you are paid for this job. Besides, taking such a commission causes you to give favor to those who give it to you over those who do not. The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said, “When we appoint someone to do a job for which we give him a provision whatever he takes beyond that is ghulūl (a kind of fraud).” [Abu Dawoud]

Allah knows best.

Question 2:

I would like to ask concerning if my wudu is valid I have a lot of doubts feel bad thoughts coming in my mind all the time feel wetness used to repeat wudu all the time but now I try to ignore it still feel bad thoughts end up thinking that it is on purpose do wudu again move constantly in prayer to not get wet I thought my belly had a water splash so I wiped it with hand cold water it was coming from the tap dont know but thought I emmited discharge not sure madhiy or maniy did istinga and wudu while talking to my parent felt someone was there looked and had a feeling that I tried to look at a male cousin felt wet while looking at flowers in my room my belly touched the drawer I randomly for no reason started tapping it on the drawer realized and then felt wetness not sure madihy or maniy I feel tired and want to give up no longer feel as if I love islam like I used to and feel as If now I am just tired of everything and want to give up I share a room with my siblings cant always do wudu for every prayer and it’s tiring I also read a hadith forbidding prayer when having to urinate and when no bad thoughts I feel as if I have to urinate and then I actually have to and upon checking after thoughts wetness is there I want to keep wudu to I don’t watch anything bad or look at men anything like that and an embarrassing thing I have desire for hair ever since I was young and have the urge to kiss it is this haram does it nullify wudy please respond.

Answer 2:

Wa alaykum assalamu warahmatullah wabarakatuh,

In the Name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the Mercy-Giving.

All praise is due to Allah. Peace and blessings be upon His Prophet Muhammad.

It is quite obvious that you are suffering from haunting waswash (satanic whispers). The cure from this waswash is prescribed in a prophetic direction given to a man who had the complaint of feeling as if something would come out of his bowels while praying.

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) forbad him to leave the Prayer “unless he hears a sound or perceives a smell.” [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]

The Prophetic injunction requires one to set aside such whispers cast by the Satan as long as there is no tangible evidence. This is the best way to overcome this hardship.

It may be difficult in the beginning but will become easy by time.

It is the Satan who comes every time and cast these doubts in your mind to reach the result you mentioned in your question; that is, to dislike the whole process of making wudu‘ and performing Prayer. This is the essence of your problem, and the solution is as easy as mentioned in the Prophetic statement.

You are also advised to take counsel with a trustworthy Muslim psychiatrist to help you overcome this condition.

Allah knows best.

Question 3:

I am writing to ask you about a major sin i have commited. I had masturbated on an adult cam site infront of 2 people with my face visible. I regretted this immediately after. I have repented to allah and cried so much and regret what i have done.
I also recently found out that there are some illegal websites that work outside the uk and USA that record you without consent and upload you to their website available to download and wont take it down as they dont abide by the laws. I am worried that if i end up here then so many people will be able to see me. Will this not be endless sins? I wish i didn’t commit that sin. I havent found anything but i fear if it has been recorded then what can i do? i feel helpless.

What should i do now, i feel to guilty to pray and i feel like i am too disgusting to marry as i done this terrible major sin. I feel like a failure to allah. I really love allah and now feel like i let him down. I also cant get over the guilt i feel like i cant stop thinking about this sin and how i i wish i could go back in time and not do it. I also feel like no one would want to marry me. I am stuck and want to end my life.

I fear people may see the video and see me naked and doing those actions and that makes me feel sick. I havent eaten much and dont sleep much anymore due to the fear of my past sins being exposed or catching up with me.

Answer 3:

In the Name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the Mercy-Giving.

All praise is due to Allah. Peace and blessings be upon His Prophet Muhammad.

Never despair, brother. Allah is All-Forgiving, Mercy-Giving. In His holy Book, He clearly declares “Say, [O Prophet: Allah declares to humanity]: O My servants! Those [of you] who have committed [sins in great] excess against their own souls, never despond of the mercy of Allah! For, indeed, Allah forgives sins, one and all. Indeed, it is He [alone] who is the All-Forgiving, the Mercy-Giving.” [Az-Zumar 39:53]

In another verse, He also declares “Indeed, Allah will not forgive associating any god with Him. But He forgives anything less than this for whomever He so wills.” [An-Nisa’ 4:48]

The door of repentance is always open for those who sincerely return to their Lord. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “Allah, the Exalted, stretches out His Hand during the night so that those who commit sins by day may repent, and He stretches out His Hand in the day so that those who commit sins by night may repent. He keeps doing so until the sun rises from the West.” [Muslim] 

It is the Satan that casts these whispers into your mind to drive you away from the path of Allah and make you feel despondent and downcast. You just need to keep knocking on the door until it is open.

Try to come closer to Allah through different kinds of worship. Keep reading the Quran with an open heart and contemplating mind. Clean your heart with tears of regret and repentance. Be sure that Allah will never let you down. Sincere repentance requires you to quit the sinful act, regret what you have done before, and resolve not to do it again.

As for your fears that others may see what you did, the only way to appease these fears is to trust Allah and seek refuge with Him. Nothing happens in this universe without His Knowledge and permission. Trust that when you seek refuge with Him and implore Him earnestly to protect you He will be with you and will defend you. Allah says in the Quran what means, “Indeed, Allah, Himself, defends those who believe.” [Al-Hajj 22:38]

Allah knows best.

Question 4:

Assalam o alaikum , i am a muslim author and i want to ask …is it haram to write a fictional stories? My characters are nonmuslims and mostly my audience too…is it okay to write if the character in that drinks *lcohol and sometimes c*rse …it doesn’t contain any mature scenes but sometimes just contains “they kissed and backed off” …i am really confused whether its haram or not cause its normal in non Muslims…

Answer 4:

Wa alaykum assalamu warahmatullah wabarakatuh,

In the Name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the Mercy-Giving.

All praise is due to Allah. Peace and blessings be upon His Prophet Muhammad.

Writing fictional stories is not haram as long as the writer abides by the following conditions:

  1. Rather, you shall help one another to virtuousness, and to the fear of Allah. But you shall not help one another to sin and to aggression.” [Al-Ma’idah 5:2]

The examples you have given contradict the second condition and thus the content is not permissible. Brother, you are strongly advised to employ your talent to promote high morals and Islamic teachings, provide insights on social issues, etc. abiding by the above-mentioned conditions.

Allah knows best.

Question 5:

I heard that Allah does not forgive the sins that has something to do with the rights of other person.But what if the person has already passed away?

I heard that still Allah can forgive if the wrongdoer prays,gives charity,does good deed on behalf of the wronged one.However it is a matter of the Day of Judgment.

My key question is that if it is the matter of the Day of Judgment, then what should be the wrongdoer’s belief regarding the forgiveness in this earth?
I mean how can he obtain mental peace in this earth?

Does Allah not forgive wrongdoer by compensating the wronged one in hereafter by elevating his status?
Then how a murderer is forgiven?

If the wrongdoer does his best to benefit the wronged one in hereafter and repents sincerely and continuously,
Can he believe and hope that insaAllah Allah has forgiven him? Or, what may be his belief for getting mental peace?

In earth can the wrongdoer believe that the wronged one has also forgiven/will forgive him insaAllah, as he(wrongdoer) his doing lot of charity and making dua on behalf of him? Or what may his belief in this regard?

I know that the wrongdoer does not know whether he is forgiven by the wronged one until the day of Judgment.Does that mean he is doomed till the settling of the Day of Judgment?if not, then what may be his belief in this worldly life.Should he not be burdened by the fact that he can never be forgiven in this earth?If Allah’s mercy is not present(bcz it is not possible until the day of judgment)in one’s whole life in this earth, then how a person will lead his life in a stress free condition.

If Allah forgiveness erases all sins any time, then why someone has to wait till Day of Judgment?

For a believer, is it necessary to be confirmed by the wronged one who has passed away? Then why people, talks about the Day of Judgment? Does faith work like that?

In the above matters, if someone repents sincerely,can Allah not forgive the wrongdoer alone by rewarding and compensating the wronged one as the he has passed away?

In this scenario, can a believer on earth hope that insaAllah Alah has forgiven him or will forgive(before death)

Is not Allah’s forgiveness unconditional and independent? If Allah forgives a wrongdoer on earth while wronged one has already passed away.Is not it enough to move on in life?

When someone makes dua and gives charity on the name of a loved one, Does Allah not gives him a complete forgiveness(which include the forgiveness of loved one also) as Allah knows the wronged one will also forgive him in the Day of Judgment as Allah is omniscient.As a result, Can Allah give complete forgiveness at any time to anyone?

I badly in need these matter to be settled in my brain.I am becoming depressed.I need your guide.

Answer 5:

Wa alaykum assalamu warahmatullah wabarakatuh,

In the Name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the Mercy-Giving.

All praise is due to Allah. Peace and blessings be upon His Prophet Muhammad.

Sincere repentance necessitates quitting the sinful act, regretting what has been done before, and resolving not to do it again. If you have done injustice to others, you need to remove the consequences of this injustice as far as you can.

If you have taken someone else’s property unlawfully, you have to return it back either to him or to his heirs. If you insulted or beat someone, you should ask him to forgive you, and usually people pardon and forgive.

If you backbit him, you should only pray for him and ask Allah to forgive both of you. The Prophet of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “He who has done wrong to his brother [in Islam] regarding his honor or anything else, let him ask his forgiveness today before the time when he will have neither a dinar nor a dirham. If he has done some good deeds, a portion equal to his wrong doings will be subtracted from them; but if he has no good deeds, he will be burdened with the evil deeds of the one he had wronged in the same proportion.” [Al-Bukhari]

It is true that no one knows for sure what will happen in the Hereafter. But a Muslim has always to trust Allah and His promises. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “One who repents from sin is like one who committed no sin.” [Ibn Majah] Sincere repentance wipes out the sin and all its consequences. Allah has promised to forgive all sins upon repentance saying “”Say, [O Prophet]: O My servants! Those [of you] who have committed [sins in great] excess against their own souls, never despond of the mercy of Allah! For, indeed, Allah forgives sins, one and all. Indeed, it is He [alone] who is the All-Forgiving, the Mercy-Giving.” [Az-Zumar 39:53]

A Muslim has to have firm belief in this promise and has to think good of His Lord. In one Divine Haidth (hadith Qudsi) Allah says, “I am to my servant as he thinks of Me.” [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]

This means that if a person thinks good of Allah and has trust in His Mercy and Forgiveness, Allah will treat him accordingly; but if one thinks bad of Allah, doubts His promise, and is despaired of His mercy, Allah will treat him according to his thoughts of Him.

Allah knows best.

Question 6:

Assalamualaikum. During some of my free time, I watch or read about content related to video games and written novels. Some of these novels reflect real-world events and history and strive for realism. For example, the A Song of Ice and Fire novels feature fictional religions and deities. Additionally, I have read about and seen clips from video games like God of War, which are loosely based on Greek mythology. There are also TV shows and cartoons where the word gods or god may appear.I am aware that these things are purely fictional and do not affect my faith. My concern is whether engaging with or being aware of such content could make me a kafir (disbeliever). My OCD also causes me guilt related to blasphemy by association, including issues with song lyrics and other forms of media. Some song lyrics may contain ideas of shirk (associating partners with Allah), and some lyrics can be misinterpreted, even by a stretch of the imagination, as shirk. This raises the question: does listening to all songs constitute shirk? I worry about whether such engagement could be considered kufr, particularly when I understand these things are fictional and not related to my faith.Additionally, I understand that wasting time is impermissible in Islam, so I try not to actively seek out these games or media. I am seeking clarification on whether encountering this content, especially given my OCD-related concerns, affects my belief or makes me a kafir.Thank you for your guidance.

Answer 6:

Wa alaykum assalamu warahmatullah wabarakatuh,

In the Name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the Mercy-Giving.

All praise is due to Allah. Peace and blessings be upon His Prophet Muhammad

Watching these videos with such content is a sinful act that a Muslim must avoid, though it does not lead to kufr (disbelief).Whatever we see and hear affects our hearts and for it we will be held accountable. Allah the Almighty said in the Quran what means “Indeed, hearing and sight and [conceptions of] the heart- [every act of] each of these [faculties] shall [one] answer for [in the Hereafter].”  [Al-Isra’ 17:36]

You are strongly advised to spend your time on useful or at least permissible activities. Time is life and everyone will be held accountable for how he/she has spent his life.

Allah knows best.

Question 7:

Asalamualaykum, I have a question. is it disrespectful for a non hijabi who shows her arms to be preaching islam and or sharing the Quran on social media and is it contradictory for a muslim woman who shows her awarah (hair and arms), to post with the quran on social media?

The woman does not reject that the Quran orders muslim woman to wear hijab, simply she has not started doing it yet. I would like to know if its a disrespect to the Quran if a woman like this was sharing wisdom on social media

Answer 7:

Wa alaykum assalamu warahmatullah wabarakatuh,

In the Name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the Mercy-Giving.

All praise is due to Allah. Peace and blessings be upon His Prophet Muhammad.

A Muslim should practice da`wah to the best of his/her knowledge. Practicing what one preaches give more credibility and success to the daw`ah. On daily basis, there are non-Muslims who revert to Islam or at least think about it only because of the Islamic teachings they see applied and practiced by Muslims around them. Indeed, actions speak louder than words.

Undoubtedly, hijab is an Islamic obligation and symbol at the same time. Hence, when a Muslim woman invites others to Islam while she does not wear hijab, this apparent disobedience diverts people away from her own words.

Allah says in the Quran what means “And who is of a fairer word than one who calls to Allah, and does righteous deeds, and says: Indeed, I am of those who are Muslims?” [Fussilat 41:33]

Thus, the call to Allah has to be accompanied by righteous deeds.

This woman, therefore, should be advised to observe hijab in order to please Allah and to give credibility to her da`wah.

Allah knows best.

Question 8:

Assalamualaikum, We named our son Kabeer (one of Allah’s names) before naming him, we did our long research and named him without ABDUL. Now we’re hearing from different people, we have to add ABDUL before his name since it’s Allah’s name. As far as my knowledge, their are 7 names of ALLAH, we have to have add ABDUL and his name is not one of them. Please help us out do we have to add ABDUL or my son name doesn’t required ABDUL.

Thank you so much,

Answer 8:

Wa alaykum assalamu warahmatullah wabarakatuh,

In the Name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the Mercy-Giving.

All praise is due to Allah. Peace and blessings be upon His Prophet Muhammad.

In terms of using them for other than Allah, the Names of Allah can be divided into two divisions:

One includes such names that are exclusively used for Allah as Allah, al-Rahman (the All-Merciful), al-Razzaq (the All-Sustainer) and al-khaliq (the Creator). These names may not be given to any created being.

The second division includes the names that indicate attributes which are sharable with other created beings.

This division can be further subdivided into:

It is reported on the authority of Shurayh bin Hani’ from his father that when he came to the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) and he heard them calling Hani’ by the nickname of Abu Al-Hakam, the Messenger of Allah called him and said to him: “Allah is Al-Hakam (the Judge) and judgment belongs to Him. Why are you known as Abu Al-Hakam?” He said: “When my people disagree over something they come to me and I pass judgment among them and both parties accept it.” He said: “How good this is! Do you have any children?” He said: “I have Shurayh, and ‘Abdullah, and Muslim.” He said: “Who is the eldest of them?” He said: “Shurayh.” He said: “Then you are Abu Shurayh,” and he supplicated for him and his son. [An-Nasa’i]

Based on this classification, you can name your son “Kabeer” without implying the divine attribute. 

Allah knows best.

Question 9:

Assalmualaikum. I am Muslim woman in need of advice about my nursing career. I am planning to pursue a career in nursing. I am licensed as a nursing aide who helps vulnerable patients i.e. assisting to clean up their private area in case of soiling. I am conflicted with all the opinions of scholars about a female nurse. I will list all the questions I have and this will determine if I should continue my nursing studies; I have made isthikhara to pursue a career in healthcare.
1. Am I sinful for being a nurse aide/certifies nursing assistant? I took the license in hopes of starting my nursing career and making money to support myself. The role is to assist patients who have either lost all control or little to help themselves. This includes assisting with bathing, urinating, defecating, feeding, brushing teeth etc. All these are basics for nursing as well.
2. Am I sinful for wearing the scrubs? I am planning to go a size over for the scrubs and wear my usual full sleep undershirt(like I do with all my clothes). I have heard some sheikh forbidding this because wearing the scrubs shows the body like the shoulders. I know that maintaining the hijab is difficult. It has to not fall onto the patient when I lean forward and not cover my hospital/student ID which is usually pinned on my chest. I am aware of scrub jackets which I have seen non-Muslim nurses wear but this may not be provided when I become a nursing student in my college.
3. Is it sinful to pursue in the surgical department? I may or may not be part of the surgical department as a student. There is a procedure called scrubbing which is mandatory for all surgical team. In this procedure, I will have to expose my arm and it will be in front of other coworkers. I am aware of options of other hijabi healthcare workers who wear a scrub jacket before scrubbing and then after scrubbing wear a disposable jacket. Wearing the hijab would again have issues since I can not have my hijab hanging around my chest which could break sterility of the operating theatre.
4. If I decided to wear the niqab in the future, I may not land a job because it bring a level of I trust towards patient. Would I be sinful to pursue being a nurse then? Also, when I did interact with patients wearing a mask, I had to remove it for patients who needed to lipread.
5. I am conflicted with how to maintain myself at work. I have the opposite gender as coworkers and patients. I heard from a sheikh that answered a question regarding this that I cannot be friendly towards them i.e. smiling. How would I maintain my professionalism in this environment? I have to interact with the opposite gender: touching and be friendly to patients. How can I set boundary with male coworkers?
6. The hospital I will be a student at and potential work is affiliated with the people of book. They do hold prayers in the morning of their holy book. Often times, nurses have to pray over them which is different and foreign to me. Would I be sinful to study and work there? How do I set my boundaries? Also, how would I go over the topic of having to maintain salah? Would I be sinful if I have to delay my prayer during work? For example, having to care for a critical patient while the prayer time is ongoing.

Jazakhallah! I wish to hear from you in regards to my matter.

Answer 9:

Wa alaykum assalamu warahmatullah wabarakatuh,

In the Name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the Mercy-Giving.

All praise is due to Allah. Peace and blessings be upon His Prophet Muhammad.

Working as a nurse is really a challenging job for a Muslim woman. A Muslim woman may go out to work under the following regulations:

1. She has to be in need for the job in order to earn her livelihood. Or, if she is not in need, there should be a need in the society for her profession and thus she may work for the sake of public interest.

Nursing is one of the significant jobs needed by the society. It needs the efforts of both men and women.

In principle, male patients should be treated by male nurses and female patients by female nurses. Cases of necessity are still pardonable. Al-Rabee` bint Mu`awwidh said: We used to go with the Prophet (peace be upon him) in military campaigns to give water and medical treatment to the wounded. [Al-Bukhari]

Ibn Hajar commented: This indicates that marriageable women may give medical treatment to men in cases of necessity.

2. The job should be suitable for her physical and psychological nature. This applies to nursing for women.

3. She has to observe the Islamic code of conduct and dress for a Muslim woman. There are thousands of Muslim nurses all over the world and they observe their hijab, even niqab.

4. There should be no intermingling with men as far as possible. But, if necessary, it has to be within a very limited scope; and the Islamic code of conduct and dress for a Muslim woman must be observed. When co-workers and patients observe that you are practicing the teaching of your religion they will respect and get used to it.

5. The job should not distract a woman from taking care of her household or fulfilling her family duties.

-There is no issue in dealing with non-Muslim patients as long as you observe the same conditions.

– As for daily prayers, principally they have to be observed within their prescribed times. Almighty says what means “Indeed, the Prayer is [a] prescribed [obligation] for the believers at the [well-known] appointed times” [An-Nisa’ 4:103] and ” So woe to all those who pray- [that is,] those who are unmindful about their Prayers.” [Al-Ma`un 107:4-5]

Hence, scholars are in agreement that delaying any Prayer beyond its due time is an enormous sin. On the other hand, combining Prayers (i.e. Maghrib and `Isha together and Dhuhr and `Asr together) is a license that a Muslim may enjoy only at times of need. A medical team involved in prolonged critical surgery may enjoy this license.

Allah knows best.

Answer 10:

Assalamu Alaikum,

I hear not focusing during Salat is haram, but no matter how hard I try my mind drifts despite my trying to stop it. This is because of my unmedicated ADHD, will I be punished? I can’t control it as it’s a diagnosed developmental disability, but it’s not like I’m mentally insane, stupid, or unfit. I know if that was the case I’d be excused, but what about in my situation? And any advice on how to fix this would be much appreciated!

Answer 10:

Wa alaykum assalamu warahmatullah wabarakatuh,

In the Name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the Mercy-Giving.

All praise is due to Allah. Pea The ones who attain humility in their Prayers ce and blessings be upon His Prophet Muhammad.

May Allah grant you quick recovery and set aright your affairs.

Humility and concentration constitute the essence of Prayer. The Quran informs us that “Truly, the believers shall realize [everlasting] success: The ones who attain humility in their Prayers.” [Al-Mu’minun 23:1-2]

This is something that a Muslim needs to develop gradually whenever he/she engages in prayer. It is attainable through seeking the Help of Allah as well as constant training.

Considering your case, you should do your best without feeling depressed or frustrated. If you are not able to attain humility due to the disorder you have been suffering, then remember that “Allah does not task a soul beyond its capacity.” [2:286]

Allah knows best.

Saturday, Sep. 21, 2024 | 12:00 - 14:00 GMT

Session is over.
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