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Fiqh-related Issues (Fatwas Session)

Dear Brothers/Sisters,

Thank you very much for joining us in this Fatwa session. We would also like to thank our guest, Sheikh Ahmad Kutty, for answering the questions directed to him. You will find the answers to your questions below. 

Question 1:

I’ve been suffering from shirk thoughts in salah and everyday life. I’m finding salah a very big challenge and I’m doing hifdh which is now becoming a challenge for me as well. This happens everytime and made lots of dua to Allah to alleviate this problem from me so I can get closer to him. I feel as if Allah is not answering my duas and I’m made to be left suffering like this for the rest of my life. Salah was such a good experience for me but now it is nothing but torture. I’m seeking professional help as well for this. What would you advice me to do?
Jazakallah o khair

Answer 1:

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I commend you for recognizing your spiritual emptiness. That is a sign of hope. However, you should take the next step to treat this condition. No one who thinks he is healthy while suffering from illness can hope to take steps to treat himself to achieve recovery. 

Therefore, it is now incumbent on you to know the symptoms and the root causes. Even more than we try to ourselves when we get physically sick, we ought to treat ourselves when we suffer the sickness of the spiritual heart.

That is because the spiritual life is even more important than physical health, for the bodies die and disintegrate, but the spiritual hearts survive death, and we should ask why we don’t feel joy in Salah and find it torture.

Our scholars have analyzed this condition, and they have listed a few factors as contributing to the sickness of the heart:

  1. Neglecting the remembrance of Allah by being obsessed with mundane matters: Allah says, “Whoever turns away from the remembrance of Me, truly his shall be a miserable life, and We shall raise him blind on the Day of Resurrection.” (Qur’an: 20: 124). The Prophet (peace be upon him), “The difference between the one who remembers Allah and the one who does not do so is like that of the alive and dead.”
  2. Persistence in sins. When a person continues to sin, it impacts the heart until it becomes sealed. Allah says, “Their hearts are rusted by what they’ve been earning.” (Qur’an: 83: 14)

Now, coming to the treatment, here are a few tips:

  1. Persistence in remembrance of Allah by establishing Prayer, reading the Qur’an, and engaging in good works.
  2. Turning to Allah in repentance, seeking His forgiveness, and shunning the sins
  3. Keeping company with good people.
  4. Attending scholarly circles and listening to inspiring sermons.
  5. Remembering death and visualizing our standing before Allah for the final reckoning.
  6. Visiting the sick and attending funerals.
  7. Paying frequent visits to the graves to remember our final destiny.

Question 2:

Do women have to wear a full hijab while praying even if they are all alone at home?

Answer 2:

A woman needs to cover her body fully; however, she should uncover her face and hands. She can wear a scarf, and dress with long sleeves covering the whole body. It is not necessary to wear an Abaya.

Question 3:

I happened to cross paths with a guy. Once we developed mutual feelings, we acknowledged them and made the decision to refrain from any further communication until we receive our families’ consent, as we both desire a marriage that is entirely halal. I find everything about him acceptable, except that he maintains friendships with females and follows numerous girls on social media.

When I decided to get in touch and address this concern, he explained that only a select few are actual friends with whom he rarely interacts, while the others are simply unknown people. The reason I feel confused and disheartened is because I even sought guidance through istikharah for us and, Alhamdulillah, received positive outcomes.

However, I cannot shake off the thoughts associated with this matter, and I’m unsure about the next course of action. At this point, I’m contemplating whether I should let go of him due to this reason, as it’s difficult for me to think of it as something insignificant; I’m unsure how to address it with him again or if I should seek guidance from a trusted and intelligent individual and work on it accordingly.
I would greatly appreciate it if you could provide me with some guidance.

Answer 3:

I pray to Allah to guide you to find a righteous marriage partner.

Now, coming to the question about the person you mentioned above, I don’t think the person is morally upright if he keeps chatting with girls who are not related to him in blood or marriage. So, it is best to leave him unless he comes clean of this sinful habit.

Allah commands us to avoid doubtful actions as such activities lead to Zina. For further details, let me cite here one of my earlier answers to a question related to chatting or befriending members of the opposite sex:

“Chatting with members of the opposite sex, whether they are Muslims or non-Muslims, personally face to face or on phone or chat lines, all fall in the same category. The haram of it is haram, and the halal of it is halal.

 Islam does not allow Muslims to befriend members of the opposite sex for the sake of companionship or casual conversations; it has been forbidden because of its risks; it may entail isolation, lead to unlawful flirting, and engender unlawful thoughts, desires, or lusts.

 However, occasional, serious, business-like conversations with the members of the opposite sex are considered lawful just as they are lawful when done face to face so long as one observes the Islamic ethics of interaction.

 Islam teaches that as Muslims, we must shun not only that which is haram but also everything that creates agitation or doubt or restlessness in our souls: The Prophet, peace be upon him, said: “Sin is that which causes agitation in your heart/mind; whereas virtue that which the heart is content and at peace about it!”

 So, engaging in unnecessary chatting may lead to unforeseen consequences; it may also engender doubts and suspicions in our minds and the minds of others, so we ought to shun them altogether in the first place to safeguard our religion and honor. The Prophet, peace be upon him, said: “Halal is clear; Haram is clear, but there are certain cases which are dubious or doubtful; whoever shuns them he safeguards his religion and honor; whoever falls into them, he risks falling into haram like a shepherd who lets herd graze around the forbidden territory; for it may thus encroach upon the forbidden territory!”

In conclusion, it may be advisable for you to leave this person unless he breaks such habits and comes clean. Otherwise, you will end up in an unhappy marriage relationship.”

Question 4:

Is Abortion allowed in shariah?

Answer 4:

In answering your question, I cannot do any better than citing here one of my previous answers on abortion:

“Abortion or termination of pregnancy is generally considered abominable, and therefore as Haram since it involves interfering with the life-process once it has started. There are, however, differences of opinion about the permissibility of abortion in special circumstances depending on the stage or stages of pregnancy.

1) There is a unanimous consensus among scholars that abortion is considered absolutely forbidden after twelve weeks of conception (i.e., one hundred and twelve days); this is the point when ensoulment (breathing of soul into the embryo) takes place. To abort pregnancy from this point onwards is akin to committing infanticide, which has been condemned in the Qur’an. Scholars, however, have made a single exception to this rule: If the continuation of pregnancy and carrying it through full term proves to be risking the mother’s life, abortion shall be considered permissible.

2) Abortion after the expiry of the first forty days of conception is considered as Haram except in the following exceptional cases: 1) If carrying the pregnancy to the full term exposes the mother to unbearable health problems during or after delivery; 2) if, as determined by the reliable medical practitioners, the child shall be borne with such physical and mental deformity as would deprive him/her a normal life. This decision must be based on the opinion of at least two reliable medical experts in the field.

3) While many scholars consider abortion before the expiry of the first forty days of conception as Haram, a number of them, however, consider it as either permissible or at least not as Haram.

In conclusion, as Imam Ghazali has observed, one is discouraged from tampering with the life process once it has started; the intensity of sin, however, varies according to how advanced the pregnancy is. Thus, while it may be considered as less sinful in the very early days, it is considered as haram after the ensoulment.”

Question 5:

My question is regarding Nikah. I like a guy, but his parents are divorced, and my dad is a very stubborn and abusive person. I told my mom that I liked someone, but she said my dad would kill me if I even told him. My dad would have a problem with him because his parents are divorced, and I know my dad thinks he would become the same. I’m trying my best to make it halal, so I’m going back to my country to have Nikah, but without my parents, am I doing the right thing? I’m trying hard to make things halal because even if my parents agreed, they would want me to wait 3-4 years, and I want to fall for haram. And the main thing is that my dad would never agree to me marrying someone I like. I have done Isthikhara to get the ever, and it’s giving me a positive feeling regarding the decision I took. Please answer my question.

Answer 5:

You may access the following answer and decide for yourself:

Marriage without Parents’ Permission

Question 6:

Why the bodies of Palestinians killed by israel in the ongoing genocide are decomposing when they are martyrs? Witnesses saw the bodies decomposing who were killed weeks ago. But in islam and according to a hadith the bodies of martyrs do not decompose by the will of Allah.

Answer 6:

First, let us pray that Allah elevate their status in paradise and compensate them for their sufferings in this world.

Now, to your question, I would like to state:

The above hadith is not authentic; the explicit teachings of the Quran and well-established traditions contradict it:

“Allah says, “From the earth We created you, and into it We will return you, and from it, We will bring you back again.” (Qur’an: 20: 55)

And the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “The earth will devour every offspring of Adam except their tailbone; from which they are created and from which once again they will be resurrected.” (Reported by Muslim)

Therefore, martyrs are like everyone else; although they are alive with Allah, their physical bodies decompose in the earth like those of others.

Question 7:

My parents bought our house and gave advance money to our house using a riba loan because my father’s ETF money is late. But only that advance is using riba money. my parents separated our house into two and are trying to turn one house bill into my name. because if government broke house they will get two because our house is big but government houses are small. do i agree to it or not. am I protecting their property which mixed with riba from agreeing
is it sinful to me?

Answer 7:

If they had no other option, their action could not be considered wholly Haram. According to the rules of jurisprudence, the rigor of the law is relaxed where there is hardship. So, you need not worry about the help you are rendering your father. In case of doubt, you should expiate for the taints of Haram associated with it by doing extra good work and making lots of effort. Allah says, “Surely good deeds wipe out evil deeds. That is a reminder for the mindful.” (Qur’an: 11: 114)

Question 8:

My mother is cheating on my father, and I have warned her two times but she is still doing it my mother told me that if I revealed this to my father she would curse me I will not enter Paradise, and if I don’t tell my father I will be in sin or should I ignore it

Answer 8:

You need to do everything within your means to stop your mother; if she doesn’t stop her most heinous deed, you should tell your father. By condoning her vicious action, you become a partner in sin. She should worry about her fate rather than worrying about your fate in the hereafter.

Adultery is one of the major sins in Islam. Please remind her about the gravity of the sin she is committing. Here are some quotes from the Quran and hadith:

 Allah says in the Qur’an, “Do not even go near adultery for it is, for it is an indecent thing and an evil way.” (Qur’an: 17: 32)

 “(And the servants of the Beneficent) are those who do not upon another god with Allah, and who do not…….commit fornication/adultery, for whoever does that shall receive the penalty; for him/her shall the torment be doubled on the day of resurrection, and therein he/she shall abide forever, disgraced, save him/her who repents and believes, and does good works; those, Allah shall change their misdeeds into good works. And Allah is Forgiving, Compassionate.” (Qur’an: 25: 68-70)

 The Prophet, peace be upon him, said, “Whoever guarantees me that he/she will guard his/her chastity, I will guarantee him/her paradise.” (Reported by Al-Bukhari) Abu Hurayrah reports that the Messenger of Allah said, “No one commits adultery while remaining a believer, for faith is more precious unto Allah than such an evil act!”; in another version, it is stated, “When a person commits adultery they cast away from  their neck the bond that ties him to Islam; if, however, they repent, Allah will accept their repentance.” (Reported by Al-Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud, An-Nasa’i and others)

Question 9:

I live in the netherlands, i am in my first year of college which takes 4 years in total. I get money from the government, a couple of hundred euro’s. I get this each month so that i can use a bit of it to pay for school and to also keep a bit for myself. I also get a travelcard which keeps getting money on it each month automatically, because my school is far and it would be a bit pricey. Now the thing is; If i finish this study in 10 years (i should be done in about 3 years) then i do NOT have to pay back anything, as this money and travelcard im getting is a student loan based on interest? So it would be a gift and i have a lot of years to finish the study. Im also determined to pass this study and get my diploma. But if i do not get my diploma in 10 years then i do have to pay back all the money + interest. So i dont know if the money/ travelcard im getting is ok for me to use because it is from a interest based loan but i wouldnt have to pay back anything if i get my diploma in 10 years. which i do want and i am determined.

Answer 9:

Islam teaches us to work hard by putting our heart and soul into it. In other words, we should strive to achieve excellence in our studies and jobs. Allah says, “Say, “Work! God and His Messenger and the believers will see your Work. Then you will be returned to the Knower of the unseen and the seen, and He will inform you of everything you did.” (Qur’an: 9: 105).

And the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Allah loves you to do your work as efficiently as possible, no  matter what kind of work it is.” (Reported by At-Tabarani and others)

Considering the above, you shouldn’t prolong your course of studies simply on the pretext you can get away from paying interest on the student loans you are taking.

You should finish the course of studies as early as possible while trying your best to achieve excellent results. If you focus on doing so and seek the help of Allah, you will be able to do so. Allah is with those who work hard.

Question 10:

I am learning Arabic from YouTube. A Christian bishop named Mar Mari Emmanuel speaks pure, fluent Arabic, and I like the “way” he speaks, although he is a Mushrik and talks about Jesus Christ as God. Of course, I’m not accepting their beliefs but just learning Arabic from their speeches. Is this okay?

Answer 10:

Since this bishop is trying to preach Christianity while teaching Arabic, you should stop taking lessons from him. He will lure you to renounce Islam and convert to his religion. It seems he is using the teaching of Arabic as a missionary strategy.

There are so many reliable sources to learn Arabic; here are two trusted online programs for you to consider:

  1. Madinah Arabic

Learn Arabic Online

Learn Arabic with Madinah Arabic paid & free courses

  • Al Azhar Arabic Online

Al-Azhar Arabic online- Learn Arabic Online – Al Azhar Arabic Online

I wish you success in your efforts.

Question 11:

I’ve heard that in Islam, a woman needs her husband’s permission to go out. What if he stops her without any reason? Do I’ve no freedom of movement? I’ve even heard that he’s not SINFUL at all if he stops her without any reason. Please clarify

Answer 11:

Marriage is a social contract based on mutual respect and accepting duties and responsibilities. Allah orders husbands: “Live with them as per the standards of what is fair and kind.” (Qur’an: 4: 19)

It stresses that they have rights even as husbands have rights: “[The women] are owed obligations the like of those they owe, in an honorable way.” (Qur’an 2: 228). 

So, marriage cannot take away the fundamental rights of women, including freedom of movement. However, she should exercise her rights fairly and reasonably without impinging on her husband’s rights.

Women in the time of the Prophet (peace be upon him) used to exercise the freedom of movement as they were active participants in all aspects of public life. That has been documented in a seminal work titled Tahrir al-Mara fi Asr al-Risalah (Liberation of Women in the Era of the Prophet (peace be upon him). Having said this, let us mention that while exercising this freedom, she should observe the rules of Islamic ethics.

Question 12:

I am a 44 year old woman who has never been married. I have had a very tough life due to certain health conditions brought on by black magic, evil eye. My parents have also been a great test for me as they been totally careless of their duties and responsibilities.

I have reached a point in my life where I feel I cannot live like this and am looking to get married soon InshaAllah.

My question to you is will my nikah be valid if it is done with my brother as my wali and with a minimum of 2 witnesses. My parents have put me through so much that I don’t want them present plus many find this hard to believe but they have never intended good for me and been very jealous of me.

Unfortunately I don’t have it in me to start a new chapter in the presence of such negativity. I will ask my brother to seek verbal contentment to act as a wali from my father.

It is very important for me that my nikah is valid in Allah’s eyes. Please let me know if this is permissable and an acceptable scenario in Islam.

Answer 12:

On this, you can refer to the answer linked below:

Marriage without Parents’ Permission

Question 13:

What should I do if my Muslim parents won’t let me wear the hijab?

I turn 18 years old in April, my mother and grandmother are both hijabis, I never thought much about wearing it until the past couple months I have been non-stop wanting to fully commit to it. When I told my parents, I thought they would be happy in me and support me. Except they did the exact opposite. Whenever and however I bring it up to my mom it ends up in a huge argument and she says I must obey her before my deen. She will also not give a valid reason as to why she wont let me. I dont know what to do. I dont want to disappoint her but I am physically unable to wear it because of her and my dad. I had a really tough year after losing two of my closest friends, one to suicide, and the other to other circumstances, but the only way i found happiness was through Allah, I only want to do whats right. I am scared that my love and commitment to the hijab will wear off because of this and it will be hard for me to put it on later. My friends tell me to just ignore her and do whats right and wear it, but I really and physically unable to, but my mom threatened me and said “you’ll see what will happen if you don’t listen to me”. Please tell me what I should do.

Answer 13:

It is your Islamic duty to wear modest attire while going out. You should not listen to your parents if they want you to go against the rule of Allah. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “No obedience is due to anyone in disobedience to Allah.

Obedience is due only in regard to matters that are good (i.e. pleasing to Allah” (Reported by Al-Bukhari)

Having said this, let me point out that modest attire does not necessarily mean wearing abayas or the clothing worn by Arab women. Instead, a Muslim woman can wear loose-fitting attire if it meets modesty requirements.

It is important to remember that the purpose of hijab in Islam is not to cut out women from participating in the activities of society or to keep men and women utterly segregated, or to make it hard for them to function normally in life.

Instead, the purpose of hijab is to help a woman maintain her dignity and honor as a free person and help her fulfill her obligations smoothly and comfortably.

Therefore, the requirements of hijab are never oppressive or restrictive in any way; here are the requisites of hijab or proper Islamic attire for women:

 1) It should cover her whole body except her face and hands.

 2) It should be loose-fitting.

 3) It should not be transparent or revealing.

 4) It should not be an attire worn explicitly by men only.

So long as your attire fulfills the above conditions, you don’t have to worry. Remember, Allah has not revealed religion to make life difficult; it is intended to make it easy and comfortable for us. Allah says, “He has not laid upon you in religion any hardship” (Qur’an: 22: 78). “Allah wishes to lighten the burden for you; for certainly man/woman has been created weak!.” (Qur’an: 4: 28)

Question 14:

Is there anything you can tell me about eyes problem. It’s been 2 years my eyes has some problems. Tears are coming all the time. It’s very Irritating. Tears coming a lot from my eyes while I am driving. I went to soo many doctors and used many drops but nothing works.

My eyesight is fine there is nothing big problem but these eyes make my life very difficult. Please show me any dua or anything. JazakAllah

Answer 14:

Here is a comprehensive du’a you should read every day:

Allaahumma iqsim lanaa min khashyatika maa tahoolu bihi baynanaa wa bayna ma’siyatika

wa min ta’atika maa tuballighunaa bihaa jannaka,

wa mina al-yaqeeni maa tuhawwinu bihi alaynaa masaa’iba al-dhunyaa 

wa matti’naa bi asmaa’ina wa absaarinaa wa quwwatinaa maa a’hyaytanaa

wa ij’alhu al-waaritha minnaa,  wa ij’al tha’ranaa alaa man zhalamanaa,  wa unsurnaa alaa man a’adaana

walaa taj’al museebatanaa fee deeninaa

walaa taj’al al-dhunyaa akbara hamminaa walaa mablagha ‘ilminaa walaa tusallit alaynaa bi dhunoobinaa man laa yarhamunaa

(O Allah, grant us the fear of You that may restrain us from sins; grant us obedience to You that may take us to Your paradise; grant us sure conviction and faith to make light for us all of the calamities and tragedies of this world.

O Allah, grant that we enjoy our (faculties of) hearing, sight, and strength in full measure as long as You allow us to live, and may they remain intact until we die. 

O Allah, empower us over those who oppress us and give us victory over those who commit aggression against us.

O Allah, cause not sedition for us in our faith; do not make this world our main obsession or uppermost limit of our knowledge; and do not give power over us (because of our sins) to those who show no mercy towards us.)

Question 15:

My husband has addiction issues. He had kicked it mostly, but yesterday, he went into my daughter’s room and took some of her pills for pain from kidney stones without asking, and now it’s an issue again, and my daughter is upset and threatening to leave home.

Answer 15:

Your daughter should excuse her dad for his thoughtless behavior. He may do well to apologize to her for his behavior. Although he should not have done so, that does not justify your daughter’s extreme reaction.

Question 16:

I own a used car dealerships In Canada, I own it with a non muslim partner. I am in charge of buying the vehicles and he is in charge of selling them. About 1 year ago we started to offer financing on our dealership and I researched about what is allowed or not and the best conclusion I could come to is the following.

There are two ways the local dealerships do financing, First is through partnering with banks across canada to finance their clients who need it. In this method they take the customer information and use a online portal that is given by the banks to submit their credit information and get an approval. Once approved the dealership sells them the car directly from their name to the customer name on the bill of sale. If the customer credit is good the dealership gets extra $500-$1000 per car for reference from the bank on top of the sale price for the vehicle. The contract involves a fixed interest rate. I found this to be completely haram.

Second method of financing is the route I decided to take and deemed to be halal, In this route we partner with different dealerships who are partnered with banks themselves. Once a customer decides to buy a vehicle from us we inform them that we do third party financing. We then take the necessary information from the customer and send it to the other dealership, once approved we notify the customers and they purchase the vehicle and the dealership sends us the money in 1 weeks time. In the paperwork itself we sell the car to the OTHER dealership and they sell the car back to the customer with the bank agreements which involves the interest. So just to clarify we sell the car to the dealership and they sell it back to the customer with the interest and other fees involved. All of this is discussed with the customer prior purchase, We dont receive any amount of reference money from the dealership or the banks for this method. We only receive what we sold the car for. All of the paperwork takes place in our office by my non muslim partner whos in charge of selling the vehicles.

My question would be if this method is halal, this is how the islamic banks do their transictions. I am technically selling the vehicle to a different dealership and they are selling it to the customers with the interest amount and I dont get a penny from it. If it is haram is my income then riba related? If it is halal then is my involvement with getting this transaction done me guiding others to riba? Is advertising we offer financing haram?

Just for clarification, there are no reliable muslims banks avalaible to do halal financing. The waitlist is way too long and takes years to get a vehicle approved. 95% my clients are canadians who are used to this system they either buy cash or finance.I dont help with the financing part of it,95% of the time its my partner a salesperson looking after that. Thank you for reading and I look forward a detailed answer. jazakallah khair.

Answer 16:

I don’t think your income is Haram because of your work as a car dealer, where you sell cars to people who may use the financing options they choose, over which you have no control. It is not different from any other commodities that people sell, which the clients use to pay for the methods of their choice if you did not direct them to it. One of the rules of jurisprudence states: “We are not accountable for what happens out of our knowledge.”

While saying this, I should add: No doubt all such modern transactions contain elements of riba or Haram. No one can get away from being tainted with such elements. Islam is a practical religion that considers human circumstances.

Therefore, according to the rules of jurisprudence, the rigor of the law is relaxed where there is hardship. Additionally, where one’s income is tainted with Haram, we should purify it by extra charities (on top of zakah) and making lots of Istighfaar. Allah says, “Certainly, good deeds wipe out the bad deeds.”  (Qur’an: 11: 114)

Question 17:

Can I animate things for entertainment nothing haram just a little bit of fighting

Answer 17:

You are allowed to use this media if you are aware of the grave responsibility of your work (i.e., the word, whether spoken or written, including drawings with pencils).

You may ask yourself: What is my purpose in drawing the cartoons? What would be the outcome or impact of it on society? Would it cause a change for good, or would it worsen?

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “People fall into two categories: those who serve as the keys to good and those who act as keys to evil. So, blessed are those who serve as keys to the good and lock to the evil.” (Reported by Al-Haythami)

There is an exciting story of a pious person having a vision of a famous writer who passed away. The writer appeared to him in a dream (after his death); the man asked him what advice he would give him in light of his experience in the grave. The writer repeated, “Everyone who wields a pen perishes and dies; his work may survive him. So, don’t you ever pen anything you wouldn’t like to see in your register with Allah!”

The story highlights the trust or responsibility of those who wield pens or pencils. Since they have much power to influence others, they should ask themselves: How are our works making a difference in the world? Do they promote virtue, peace, and harmony? If the above is false, they must give an account before the Creator and Lord of the worlds, whose justice is transparent and cannot be bought by power, money, or influence.

So, please decide for yourself based on the above perspective.

Question 18:

So i have a platform on tiktok and got offered to sponsor a app Named (rizz app) which is used to generate what to say in all situations but it labeled as this “For a conversation-sustaining app that generates personalized responses for your dating match, look no further than RIZZ AI! RIZZ AI can produce quick and witty responses that are customized to your style.” if I promote this in a halal way without boyfriend/girlfriend and just show how the app works in different ways, is it haram still, and will I get sins of people who use the app wrongfully?

Answer 18:

From what I can discern from your question, the app you are developing is used mainly for dating purposes. If that is correct, I don’t think you should go for it even though you have tried to promote it in a halal way. Since people can use it dubiously or unlawfully, you also become a partner in sin.

Therefore, it is best to avoid developing such apps; you should think of apps free of such undesirable associations.

Question 19:

If somone knows there going to die as a martyer can they sin all they want since martyrs go stright paridice in islam. Also can a martyer be forgiven for shirk if they die with it.

Answer 19:

I’m afraid you may be mistaken in supposing that everyone who gets killed in a battle is a Shaheed. Martyrdom is an honor bestowed on those who fight in a just war for the pleasure of Allah.

So, it is an honor reserved only to those with sound faith and intention. Therefore, the question of whether one can do any sin and yet go straight to paradise if one were to die as a martyr is not applicable. However, since no human being is wholly free of sins, Allah has promised that He is forgiving and merciful to those who seek repentance and die in faith.

Shirk, however, is an altogether different issue; it is an unforgivable sin. Allah says, “Allah doesn’t forgive the association of partners with Him, but He forgives anything less than that to whomever He wills. Whoever associates partners with God has strayed far off course.” (Qur’an: 4: 116)

Question 20:

There is a Hadith which states that reciting Amana Rasool before sleeping will be sufficient for you. Does this mean that if I recite these last two verses of Surah Baqarah instead of Al Muawithatan and Ikhlas, i will be protected from Shaytan until morning?

Answer 20:

The hadith you referred to is reported by Al-Bukhari and Muslim on the authority of Abu Mas`ud Uqba. Amr: If one were to read the last two verses of Surat Al-Baqarah at night (before retiring to bed), it would suffice him (as a means of protection).”

However, this does not mean we should stop reading Al-Fatihah and the last three surahs of the Quran.

By doing so, we stand to gain extra benefits. First, it is a sunnah established by the Prophet (peace be upon him). He used to read them every night, and he also used to instruct his family and children to read them.

Additionally, the Prophet recommended reading Ayat al-Kursi before retiring to bed and after Fard prayers.

In conclusion, if a person were to limit reading the last two verses, it is acceptable; however, he may follow it up by reading Ayat al-Kursi, Al-Fathihah, and the last three surahs for extra rewards and protection.

 May Allah bless us to turn to Him always seeking His grace and protection.

Question 21:

I just have a couple of questions, regarding miracles and claims of children who say they had lived a past life.

I know that the messengers performed miracles by the will of Allah, as signs of Allah’s existence for everyone to see. Now my question would be: Has the era of miracles ended with Muhammad PBUH? I know about the Dajjal and the miracles of the end times, but I’m asking about the modern times we currently live in.

Let me give one example: Recently I read an article about a girl who went missing back in 1951, she went to a park with her friend and wasn’t seen ever since that night. Now, let’s say, I see her in a dream and she tells me that she was murdered and buried somewhere, giving me an exact location. The next morning I would think nothing of the dream, probably my brain playing some tricks on me, but if that same dream kept happening night after night, I would eventually see it as a sign and would do something about it. And let’s say I relay that information to the local police, and they really do find her body at the location revealed to me in a dream, that would surely count as a miracle, maybe not on the level of Musa PBUH parting the sea, but still an extraordinary thing and a definitive proof of God’s existence for me. I have no way of knowing her fate, based on a couple of paragraphs I read up in my spare time. Now I don’t know if Allah would do something like that. I know he’s capable of doing it, (obviously) but would He? How involved is Allah in the affairs of the Dunya between the end of the revelation of the Qur’an and the end times? Would He do something that obvious for everyone to see?

My 2nd question has to do with past lives, and specifically kids who say that they remember living as somebody else. Is it possible that they are all just making it up? Some stories really seem convincing, and sometimes the facts the children provide really check out, despite them having no way to know the stuff they are talking about. Now, I believe the soul is unique for every single individual and I don’t believe in reincarnation, but could it be possible that Allah planted some knowledge in their minds for some reason? I really have no clue what to think of this.

Answer 21:

Islam teaches us that Allah chooses to grant certain miracles to His prophets. Thus, He saved Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) from the burning fire; He also honored Prophet Musa with miracles like parting of the sea, turning his staff into serpents devouring those of the magicians, etc.

Likewise, Prophet Isa was given the power to heal the sick and restore eyesight to the blind, and the Prophet Muhammad was honored with the greatest of all miracles; the inimitable miracle of the Quran as an enduring miracle, as well as other instances of divine proofs indicating Allah’s protection.

Now, coming to other than prophets, Allah may reveal particular graces to others for the benefit of humanity; such graces may manifest in inspiring specific individuals to discover certain beneficial devices or inventions or treatments or disclose hidden realities or forewarning them of impending calamities. We have precedents from all of these in the Islamic sources.

I cannot give an opinion on the issue of reincarnation as I do not find any scriptural evidence to support the theory of reincarnation.

Question 22:

I have a questions regarding having 2 nikah with the same person. So, I have a wali who is allowing me to marry a man I love, I am a sister. The man I want to marry, his family will not be okay with him going through with the marriage in fears of it being too soon, etc. He wants to marry me to make it halal so we won’t do anything haram.

We wanted to know if we can get married through video call, and not tell him family and when they’re ready to accept us, then we have another nikah.

 Is this okay?

We don’t want to do anything that will tarnish our Deen. Jazakallah Khair. Allah knows best. May Allah reward you plenty and may He shade you on the day when there will be no shade, ameen.

Answer 22:

There is no room for the concept of a secret marriage in Islam, as all marriages should be publicized for their validity.

For further details, let me cite here one of my previous answers to a similar question:

“In Islam, nikah or marriage must conform to specific minimum standards and requirements to be valid and acceptable; without these, it is considered neither valid nor acceptable, for it is then hardly distinguishable from fornication or illicit relations.

The minimum conditions for the validity of nikah are the following:

  1. The consent of the guardian of the woman
  2. presence of witnesses
  3. offering and acceptance
  4. and mahr (dower).

Once the above conditions have been fulfilled, the marriage will be deemed valid, but if these conditions are not fulfilled, then it will be considered null and void.

As far as the guardian’s consent is concerned, it can only be dispensed with if the guardian refuses to give permission for considerations other than Islamic, in which case the judge can authorize the marriage after following the due process.

If, on the other hand, such is not the case and no attempt was made to ascertain the consent of the guardian, then such a marriage would be considered invalid and, therefore, unacceptable in Islam.

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “There is no (valid) marriage without a guardian and two reliable witnesses.”

By stipulating the conditions mentioned above for the validity of marriage, Islam insists that marriage should remain distinct from other loose and immoral lifestyles, such as fornication and illicit affairs. Hence, the Prophet insisted on making marriages public.

Society has a share in marriage in the sense that people should know that both of you are married so that they do not suspect you of maintaining an illicit relationship.

According to the teachings of Islam, we are under an obligation to do whatever we can to safeguard our religion, honor, and dignity, and as such, we should stay away not only from that which is considered strictly haram or forbidden but also from all that is doubtful and dubious.

The Prophet (peace and blessings be him) said, “Whosoever shuns what is doubtful he has protected his religion and honor; but whosoever commits what is doubtful, he may inadvertently fall into haram!”

Having said this, as long as you have performed the marriage by the above criteria, there is no harm for you in renewing the contract again.

Question 23:

A woman forgets to cut hair after first umrah as she did not know the ruling and went to perform second umrah a few days later and cut her hair after that one. What is the ruling for the first and second umrah as some say the cutting is permissible for the second one. JazakAllah

Answer 23:

You may do it later if you forgot to cut your hair after the Umra. But if you neglected it, you expiate for it by offering a sacrifice, fasting for three days, or feeding six poor people.

But since you made this mistake unknowingly, you can be forgiven. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Allah forgives my Umma for their mistakes due to ignorance or forgetfulness or done under coercion.”

Question 24:

I have 2 questions:
1. If I took pics of the Quran on my phone. Can I use that to recite during Period? (Based on my research it seems a woman on period can recite from memory when on her period. But I have not memorized the Quran yet. So I am not sure if I can use digital one)
2. If my husband and I have intercourse and I get period that day, and if I do ghusl during my period, can I use the digital /pics of Quran for recitation? Or I would be in junub still?

I am asking these 2 specific questions because I am taking Quran class and there is no refund policy/ no reschedule policy.
And my period stays 8 days too.
Please help me get clarity on this so I can communicate this to my Quran teacher

Answer 24:

In answering this question, let me cite here one of my previous answers to a similar question:

“Scholars and jurists of Islam have been divided in their opinion about the issue of whether women who are menstruating are allowed to read the Qur’an or not.

The generally accepted view among them is that women are not allowed to read the Quran while menstruating. Among other things, they have based this ruling on a report attributed to the Prophet, peace be upon him, which states, “Neither those who are sexually defiled nor those who are menstruating shall read the Qur’an.”

A group of scholars from Maliki, Shafi, and Hanbali schools, and others, however, have rejected the above position. As has been pointed out by Imam Ibn Taymiyyah, there is nothing wrong with women reading the Qur’an either from their heart or from Mushaf itself, should they find it necessary.

Even some of those scholars who are generally in favor of disallowing menstruating women from reading the Qur’an from Mushaf have considered it permissible for them to do so if they are teachers or students or are afraid of forgetting what they have memorized.

Having cited the various views, let me conclude by saying:

Should there be a dire necessity for you to do so, you are allowed to read the Qur’an, either from your heart/mind or by holding the Qur’an itself. If there is no such necessity, then you can listen to the Qur’an, for there is no evidence whatsoever in the sources to indicate that listening to the Qur’an in the state of menstruation is forbidden. Therefore, you may listen to a recorded Qur’an without any inhibition and read the Du’as from the Qur’an at all times without incurring any sin whatsoever.

May Allah inspire us to see truth as truth and follow it. May Allah inspire us to follow it, Ameen.”

Question 25:

It’s very recently that I started to get better with my faith. But still I never made up my missed period fasts. I started fasting at 17 and would have 11-13 days of missed fasts per month (my period is irregular and long). And I probably missed so many more fast when I was younger (I got my first period at 11 or 12). So I feel I have over a decade of fasts to make up. My intention from this year is to always make up the missed fasts within the same year. However, I am anxious about the previous years’ missed fasts.
When I found out about Shawwal, I got hopeful. Could I use this as a way of making up for years of missed fasts from previous years? Because I get so overwhelmed at the thought of taking years and years to makeup like 20 years of missed fasts. Yet I don’t want to get sin and punished.
Please let me know if this easy way is valid?

Answer 25:

You can fast in Shawwal to make up for the fasts you missed in previous years.

Question 26:

I’m 17yrs old and the eldest one among my siblings. Few months ago when i noticed a woman who was friend in his Facebook. she texted my dad but i removed her. so that my dad can never find her. But few weeks before i noticed that woman again in my dad’s WhatsApp. even their conversation has been always deleted or disappeared mode. so it was getting suspicious for me. i observed about it for a few week. and just noticed some unusual texts like my dad joking with her or telling her to sing a song. everyday their conversation starts with good morning. even my dad when he wake up at 6:30am that time he’s having good time with my mom but i noticed good morning text was sent at that time to that women. even yesterday that means valentines day i checked my dad’s phone gallery and found her pic from deleted photo album and later then i got to know it was sent from whatsapp. When i started to gather some info about her, i go to know that she’s just outside co-worker who just attend some workshops in my dad’s office. also she has 1 son who’s elder than me and a daughter whom she’s loves a lot. so then i started feeling normal because both of them have families and the roots has gone deeper already so it’ll be hard to break their family.

I also asked some of my senior about it and they told me to not interfere in this types of matter since I can’t judge about it with some few things. but still a feel a little bit disappointed about it. Although i don’t notice any changes in his behavior. sometimes he quarrel with my mom but later then they get together again. he also adores his 3 daughters. spends time with us. help us. care about us.

I’ve been in stress about it even doctor gave me 2 medicines to not be stressed. but it bothers me. whenever my dad try to care about it or love me, this matter comes on my mind and i feel disappointed and let go of it. so i want to hear some good advice or comments to distract myself from it since i’m giving board exams now. I would like to hear some positive replies and suggestions to feel good please.

i would be grateful if any psychologist or psychiatrist can help me to overcome from this situation.

My dad is having normal and more genuine behavior with us. But this matter is

bothering me.

Answer 26:

I am not a psychologist. Please contact the editor to refer you to a professional counselor trained in psychology to help you deal with your challenges.

I pray to Allah to bless your efforts with success.

Question 27:

There is a boy in my school. I met him a year ago but we have never talked. I kept seeing him during break and sometimes after school. Since then we both started making eye contact every single day and not just normal eye contact. I mean the long eye contact. I then caught feelings for him quickly. Now, alhamdulillah i have never dated so i dont get tempted to talk to boys and i wasn’t gonna talk to him either. After a couple of months my feelings kept getting stronger so i decided to tell my mother. I told her everything i knew about him. After that i realized i knew a bit to much about him for a person that has never talked to him. It has now been a year and my feelings are still as strong as ever. I keep trying to forget about him but i cant. Even during prayer i keep thinking about him. Every single second of the day i think of him. I have tried everything to forget about him but it is so hard. I make dua after every prayer but it just seems that the feelings get stronger. Now i wonder, is this something from Allah because i dont want to date this boy unless we somehow meet when we are older to get married or am i obsessed with him because i dont know what to do anymore. I cry a lot because my brain actually gets tired thinking of him. It has gotten to me really bad. Please help me out. Thank you

Answer 27:

You need to talk to a professional counselor. Please contact the editor to refer you to one.

I pray to Allah to help you overcome this obsession.

Question 28:

I am having a lot confusions. If you can help me I will be very grateful to you.

I am 19 yr 6 months old girl. I want to study in computer science and do more research on blockchain, AI etc in abroad because there is not enough opportunity in Bangladesh but my father is against it. what should I do? I am an COO of a company named KWS. As my father do not let me do my job I have to do it secretly. He took my laptop and my phone. Now I work when he is not home in my PC. I am also sharing my linkedin so that you have a idea of my profile

He also ruined many opportunities for me such as he didn’t let me go to a program in Amsterdam where I was invited as a finalist of International Blockchain Olympiad. Recently I was selected for united world collage but he didn’t allowed me to go for the last interview and I missed the chance. He don’t let me do my passport. He don’t let me go sit for the IELTS or SAT exams without these I can not apply for any collage.

I already talked with all my relatives but no one is allowing me to disobey my father. everyone understands my passion and they believe that I have a bright future but they do not want to convince my father to let me go abroad. They keep saying I am too young. I should go abroad after marraige if my husband allows. but my father told me he won’t let me to get married to a person who will let me go abroad. If my future husband allows me to go abroad he will be angry. Also my family is planning to marry me of after 10 years from now.

Many of my teachers tried to explain about my passion to my father. But my father didn’t pay hid to them. He won’t let his pride down in front of anyone. He thinks he knows everything. He thinks that all people who go to abroad for study is bad specially girls. I am very much depressed it means so much if you can help me figure out what I should do. he decreased my age in my birth certificate. According to my birth certificate I am 17 yr 6 months now. My father also did the same with my mother. He didn’t let her get higher education easily. But my mom got her degree by doing hard work. He also beated me physically when I told him I want to go to abroad. I do not want to hurt him that’s why I am doing all what he is saying. He wants me to get chance in dhaka medical, buet and dhaka uni. But I am so tired of faking everything that I also want it. I am losing myself and drowning in deep overthinking how I can follow my dream.

Can you please give me a solution to what I should do now?

Answer 28:

My sincere advice to you is to do your best to find a suitable area of study in Bangladesh or online; it is in your best interests only to go abroad if your father permits you to do so, as he is concerned about your safety. Once you are married, you are not obliged to comply with his order. You may travel with your husband’s permission or if he agrees to move with you.

Question 29:

I am suffering from waswas for past 4 years and it has become very difficult for me now I don’t go out just spend my time repeating purity acts and prayers like it is so tense.

Now the issues i have are that while praying i pronounce things not right as i am an asian so it is difficult somehow to pronounce it correctly so i break my namaz and then start it again and again
Second is when i do wudu i keep washing my limbs again and again thinking they might not be wet yet
Thirdly and most importantly i have issue in urination and istinja that sometimes while urinating the urine make the slop backward and then i assume that it has fallen on my testicles as i cannot touch and see if it is wet as my hand are already wet and when i pour water over it and water flow’s to testicles and under then i think the impurity has moved to the bottom of my testicles again and again and then while washing of after defecation i keep pouring water again and again and when doing istinja water splashes back sometime in great amount as i am using alot of water in istinja so some many drops splash back and when i wipe these off then i touch the tap or bucket thinking the tap and others are impure now and sometimes i forget after washroom that if i touched the tap or bucket with impure hands so they might be impure now and i cannot recall properly and then i assume everything to be najas and then i wash everything and it is very hectic kindly give me a direct answer that how can i deal with these issues as if i suppose no matter the amount of splashes while istinja they are pure for me even if they are in great amount.
And also when some splashes come back and sometimes they don’t fall on my clothes but when i go outside and peform wudu then clothes are wet and i think this might be impure and sometimes i wipe with wet hands my legs and then they touch the trousers making them damp and then i think they might not be the clean water and they can be splashes so can i get a rulling that no matter the amount of splashes while istinja they are all pure for me even if the amount is great so that i may find peace and become happy after that. Please help me with that

Please give me ruling of that

Answer 29:

We are obliged to purify ourselves and keep our bodies, clothes, and places we use free of all sources of filth. Once we have done so, you need not worry about it anymore. You should only pay attention to doubts if you have reasons to believe there are tangible signs of filth or impurity. If you see them, you need to take care of them; if you see no visible signs, you need not pay any attention to the nagging doubts.

It looks to me like you are suffering from waswas or doubts due to the whisperings of Shaytan. The Prophet (peace be upon him) has warned not to give in to such whisperings of Shaytan. He said Shaytan would approach us in our Salah, trying to distract us from it. In doing so, he will play different cards with different people. If, in your case, he is to try to cast doubts in your mind regarding your purification, in the case of another, it may be by suggesting some other thoughts, and, hence, the remedy for it is simply turning to Allah for protection and invoking His help against the accursed one.

The best way to fight Satan is to seek refuge in Allah and disregard his whisperings. When you consistently do so, he will keep away from you. Here is a Du’a you should read regularly:

Allaahumma innee a’oodhu bika min hamazaathi as-shayaateen wa a’oodhu bika rabbi an yahdhuroon

(O Allah, I seek protection with You from the whisperings of the devils, and I seek refuge in You from their presence around me).

Thursday, Feb. 22, 2024 | 18:00 - 20:00 GMT

Session is over.
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