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Fasting Fiqhi Issues (Fatwa Session)

Dear Brothers/Sisters,

Thank you very much for joining us in this Fatwa session. We would also like to thank our guest, Mustafa Umar, for answering the questions directed to him. You will find the answers to your questions below.


Is it permissible for me to  pray Tarawih if I have brownish discharges?


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If this brownish discharge is during you normal period, then you must not pray since it counts as your period. However, if this occurs outside of your menstrual period, then it is fine to pray, and you will perform wudu for every prayer time.

Almighty Allah knows best.


Is it allowed for a traveller to pray tarawih?


Yes, it is allowed for someone travelling to pray tarawih, just like they are allowed to pray any other prayer.

Almighty Allah knows best.


Is it OK for us to pray tarawih twice in one night?


Tarawih is an additional prayer usually performed as 8 or 20 units. However, it could be less or more than this. So, yes, you can pray more units of tarawih in two different locations, if that is what you mean. However, you should only perform one witr prayer.

Almighty Allah knows best.


Does burping break the fast?


No, burping does not break the fast since no food or drink is being swallowed.

Almighty Allah knows best.


What is the best time for making duaa when breaking the fast? Should it be before or after iftar?


The best time for duaa in general is before breaking the fast.

Almighty Allah knows best.



I have recently read a Hadith that said the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said that he disowns any Muslim that settles among the mushrikeen. I am an 18 year old who recently reverted to Islam, but I still live with my non Muslim family. Does this mean the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) disowns me? I am very worried. Jazakallah Khairan.


Wa `alaykum As-Salamu waRahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.

Don’t worry. You are not being referred to in the hadith. This referred to people who lived in a land controlled and governed by Muslims and they instead went to go live in land that was at war with the Muslims. So it does not apply to you at all.

Almighty Allah knows best.


Hi, I am contacting you because I need help, I am a 20 year old girl, and I had suicidal instincts since I was 14 years, now not anymore, because I know it’s haram.
recently i found my way into islam so i changed a lot, i wear hijab, i always think and act thinking about allah.
but as I became an adult I realized that the relationship with my parents is not one of the best known and, they too are Muslims, but they do not follow Islam entirely, so when I changed so much for them it was a shock, it took me much to convince them that I want to wear the hijab, and in doing so I have heard a lot of insults from them.
I suffer from anxiety and depression since I was a child, I was bullied at school and at home I was insulted / ignored / beaten by my parents, since I was 11 years old I have noticed that my parents treat my siblings differently, they think that I as an elder sister I have to educate my brothers and take care , and if there are quarrels between me and my brothers it is always I who have to sacrifice myself and not create problems, my little brothers can be very rude they say offensive thing and think the didn’t do anything wrong, and recently my parents started to use Islam against me.
I tried to confide in my father, because I decided that I no longer wanted to take responsibility that was actually theirs (educating my brothers) and for the umpteenth time I asked him if they could take into account my feelings and my mental health , after I confided in him, my mother changed her attitude again.
I started doing volunteer ramadan, and I wanted to do them on weekends too, but they got angry saying that I can’t do ramadan, and stay the weekend without doing anything at home, that I have to cook and help around the house in the weekend (and I said that I can cook, and I always clean ), so I didn’t know what was the problem, in the end I told him that I don’t do ramadan anymore on weekends.
my dad and i have always had a bad relationship, as a child he would raise his hands to us, saying we had to be polite as we were raised by grandparents up to 8-9 years old, and we were rude and wild, now i seek the way of not provoking him and he hardly hits anymore, even if he has sometimes threatened to do so.
with my mother instead as a child I thought that our relationship was normal, but growing up I noticed that she doesn’t care about my feelings or opinion, she says in any case that it is I who should change, she ignores how my brothers behave (unless whether she has suffered them), and uses my weaknesses to hurt or insult me, uses guilt to control me, when I try to talk to her about these problems, she told me to go to a therapist or to shut up because she didn’t have the health to listen, she plays the victim very often and my father too, my doctor diagnosed me with anxiety and depression, but everyone pretended nothing happened, but when they diagnosed it to her after me, she uses this “weapon” to control and victimize herself , I do not deny that she is ill, but I cannot be an adult / parents to them, they always put their needs and feelings first, both economically and sentimentally, and I would like to put some boundaries with my family, because if I continue like this I risk going crazy.
I understand that as a daughter I should help and understand them, but I cannot neglect myself and always put my family’s needs first.
my questions are: how can I set boundaries with my parents?
What are the responsibilities that I have as an elder sister towards my brothers in the Islamic sphere?
can i move and visit sometime? (my father is 52 and my mother is 44).
do i have to give all the money i have to my parents? (most of my clothes are from when I was 14-17 and I only have a few modest clothes, not too tight clothes that I can wear, even though they criticize my wardrobe for having broken or old shoes, they won’t let me buy anything but my brothers buy branded clothes every year)
i tried to suppress and put up with everything because allah azzawajal said to always respect and obey parents, and to be patient with other people, but i don’t know what to do because if i continue like this i risk having more serious mental health problems later on, and I don’t want my children or husband to have repercussions because of my trauma, the thought that I am the problem and that I am disappointing allah azzawajal is scaring me, I don’t want to cut off relations with my family, but I would like to think more about myself and put my needs first, because that way I can’t go on in a healthy way, I need your help please.


May Allah grant you patience in dealing with this challenging family situation. Your situation requires a special consultation with a trained family counselor who also has good knowledge of Islam. Try to find one in your local area. I know it is challenging to deal with this situation. Ask Allah for help. Go find that counselor who can help you set healthy boundaries so you are neither harmed nor are you disrespecting your parents. It is a fine balance to find.

Almighty Allah knows best


My question is my family want me to marry a guy he is nice religious but i used to like a guy whos proposal my family rejected i still feel that i love him instead the guy my family chose for me is it right to say yes even if my heart is somewhere else i feel lots of depression plz help me what should i do


First, you must make sure you are not in contact with the guy you love if there is no real chance of marrying him. If you remain in contact with him, the feelings will continue and make your life difficult.

Second, if you have no objection to this new guy and you think he is a good Muslim and a good person, then you should not refuse. Feelings will change. Just make sure you do not stay in touch with the other guy because that will cause problems. Also, try to attend a premarital counseling session to help you decide whether the two of you are compatible or not.

Almighty Allah knows best.


Assalamu alaykum. There is a 15yr age gap between my husband and I. He cannot sexually satisfy me anymore. I am frustrated to a great extent and don’t know how to handle the situation. I’ve spoken to him about it and he couldn’t care less about my feelings. What can I do about this situation? I am making sabr but it’s very difficult.


Wa `alaykum As-Salamu waRahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.

First, you should try to get someone whom he respects involved so he can understand how serious this situation is. If your husband is willing, he should go to a therapist or counselor to learn how to satisfy you. If he is unwilling, then know that this is your right and you should get a local Muslim scholar involved. Not fulfilling your rights of intimacy is grounds to get out of this marriage if you choose to, but first try to resolve the problem if possible.

Almighty Allah knows best.


When I see someone in distress, I cannot console them. Is there any dua that can I make for them at that moment?


Yes, make dua in your own words for Allah to help that person, depending on what they need at the time.

Almighty Allah knows best.


AOA. I need serious guidance. I and a guy really love each other. I mean, we have great understanding and affection for each other and have desire to marry. I am 32 years old and working as an attorney. He is 26 years old and has only high school qualification and working in a factory. He has no issues about my age and we know each other for last 7 years and are constantly in touch and of desire to marry. But I am bit concerned whether a older woman marrying a younger man with a 6 year gap wound be okay in Islam?? Whether age and qualification difference would be workable?? Whether we should be concerned about what society thinks about me or us. Please guide me so we can proceed with our marriage.


Wa `alaykum As-Salamu waRahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.

In Islam, there is nothing wrong with having an age gap of 7 years or being in a different profession. However, you must determine how this can potentially affect your future. Attend some premarital counseling sessions with a therapist or counselor to determine whether the two of you are compatible or not, and understand the risks associated with marrying someone like this. If everything seems fine, then there is no intrinsic objection to this marriage.

Almighty Allah knows best.


Salam, please my question is that am ulcer patient and I just gave birth through cesarean section which make me not to be able to fast ramadan. Please I want to ask if I can pay my fidyah to my mum because she’s not working and am the one giving little money anytime I have, my dad isn’t living with her


Wa `alaykum As-Salamu waRahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.

There is no need to pay fidyah for this since it is likely you will recover. You will make up the fasts you missed once you recover. However, if you will not recover due to the ulcers and be unable to fast for the foreseeable future, then you will pay fidyah to someone who is poor. You cannot give it to your mum because you are responsible for taking care of her anyways and should do so through the other money you have.

Almighty Allah knows best.


Asalamu aleykoum, I am a person that suffers from OCD. I was making up for a day of fasting (which I wasn’t even sure I needed to, but wanted to be sure) because I thought that I have swallowed mucus while being able to expel it.

While making up the fast I needed to sneeze, so I did so in my elbow. Some of the drops from my nose fell on my lip and I didn’t wipe it, but just let it dry. My question is: will my fast be invalidated if I licked my lips without washing them? I can’t remember if they were dry or that there remained some drops on them.

I read that if your bodily fluids went out of the body and than back again, that it will break the fast.

Also, I constantly worry when performing Salah. I get the feeling that my pronunciation isn’t good enough and that I make mistakes. I try to ignore the thought, but it is really strong. I get this feeling especially when I am praying Asr because I think my fasting (and other good deeds) won’t be accepted if I don’t pray properly. Can you please give me some advice?

Thank you in advance!

I suffer from OCD/waswas


Wa `alaykum As-Salamu waRahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.

No, your fast is not invalid because of the situation you described. Try to get some help from a counselor or therapist for your OCD so these doubts don’t keep bothering you.

Almighty Allah knows best.


I have a 2 year old daughter; my husband abuses and accused me in daughter’s presence several times. I need a khula.. will i get my daughter’s custody?


I’m saddened to hear about your situation. If the situation is as you say, you can ask your husband to grant you khula and you will return part of the mahr he gave you back. As for custody, you must consult a local scholar or lawyer regarding that.

Almighty Allah knows best.


Assalam O Alaikum, I am a 20 year old Pakistani Muslim woman who has lived in the UK for 5 years, I was born in Pakistan, but I have lived most of my life in Italy and now I have moved to the UK with my parents. Now I have fallen in love with a 28-year-old non-Muslim boy. As far as I’m concerned, age doesn’t matter in Islam, I encourage him to convert but I absolutely don’t want to force him to convert because it wouldn’t be good. I want to tell my parents about him and I think that if my family and I try to introduce him to our culture and religion, he might like him and he might decide to convert, as he does not practice any religion, he was born to a Christian family but not I’ve never seen him or his family do anything religious, so they don’t practice any religion. Before I tell my parents, I want to gather solid evidence / evidence that he is good for me and that this marriage can be Islamically acceptable. What are the exact requirements for this marriage to be Islamically acceptable? Is it necessary for her to convert as few people say that there is no specific Ayah in the Quran that says that a Muslim woman cannot marry a non-Muslim man? If he decides to convert, would this marriage be accepted or will he have to do something else?


Wa `alaykum As-Salamu waRahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.

First, falling in love with this guy was not the right way to approach marriage. Now, that you are emotionally attached to him, you should be careful that you are not making a major life mistake due to being blinded by love.

Second, it is true that a Muslim woman cannot marry a non-Muslim man. This is clear in the Qur’an and is unanimously agreed upon by all Muslim scholars. You are correct that he should consider accepting Islam without being forced to do so, otherwise it will not be sincere. I suggest you find a good Muslim counselor to help you decide whether this is the right path to go down, even if he is interested in becoming Muslim.

Almighty Allah knows best.


L-cysteine can be derived from human hair, pig hair and avian feathers.
All of which are considered vegetarian.
I understand that L-cysteine derived from human hair and pig hair is impermissible to consume for Muslims.
Worldwide, L-cysteine is predominately taken from human hair.
L-cysteine is used for as a precursor in many pharmaceuticals and flavourings.
The source of L-cysteine may not always be confirmed e.g L-cysteine used to make glutathione will be considered vegetarian but we would not know the source of it whether it is human hair, pig hair etc.
L-cysteine is also used as a precursor to make various flavourings which also would be deemed vegetarian but we would not know the source of it whether it is human hair, pig hair etc.

To verify the source of L-cysteine would require significant research and may also end up without answers as a food manufacturer may not be aware of the exact source of the L-cysteine but would know it is vegetarian. The same applies for a pharmaceutical company e.g if L-cysteine is used to make substance A which is then used to make substance B,C,D. It is not possible to determine the source of l-cysteine after it has undergone several changes.

My questions are

How can a Muslim determine whether they are consuming halal medicine and food if the source of l-cysteine is not known?
Does this mean that a Muslim must abstain from almost every food containing ‘flavourings’ as they may derive from haram source of l-cysteine which cannot be easily verified?
Must a Muslim abstain from taking medicine as l-cysteine from human hair or pig hair may be used as a precursor?
In all cases it seems that the L-cysteine undergoes several changes, can istihalah be applied for l-cysteine which is derived from human hair or pig hair?

According to your website, it is imperative that Muslims must enquire as to whether the ingredients used in food and medicine are derived from halal sources.

I don’t want to fall into haram by consuming haram if there is a doubt that it contains l-cysteine derived from human hair or pig hair. To research every food product or medicine ever used to determine the source of L-cysteine would take a severe amount of time and research which could be dedicated to prayer and worship. As one would have to work backwards from several substances to determine the origin, which if L-cysteine could be from human hair or pig hair.

Many thanks,
Concerned Muslim


Your concern for eating halal is admirable. In a nutshell, several scholars have declared it permissible to consume products that contain l-cysteine since they are mostly derived from human hair and it can be argued that istihaalah has taken place. Therefore, you should be fine with consuming this product.

Almighty Allah knows best.


Can you please name books by authentic scholars, from where we can learn the rules of jihad?


Every major book on Fiqh (Islamic Law) has a chapter on Jihad. It seems that you have not studied fiqh in detail with any specialized teacher or institution. So my suggestion is to enroll in an Islamic University or find a scholar to study fiqh with. If you approach classical fiqh texts on your own, it can be easy to misunderstand things since several of the issues require the aid of a teacher to understand properly and deeply.

Almighty Allah knows best.


i just had my periods fews days before Ramadan is going to start and I wanted to pray taraweeh so can I continue praying taraweeh after I finish my cycle?


When a woman does not have her menstrual cycle anymore, she can resume praying any of the prayers including tarawih. So, yes, that would be fine.

Almighty Allah knows best.


See if you leek semen while urinating (semen leekage) does that break your fast

If you ejaculated for some reason and then later on some more semen leaks out, this does not break your fast. That is because it was from the previous ejaculation that happened when you were not fasting.

Almighty Allah knows best.


Is it halal to work for a company in the print department that prints brochures for wine/beer stores/restaurants? Knowing that my duties are folding, packing, and sending them to the shipment department. In addition, these brochures consist just about 5% of brochures/post cards produced daily.


If the situation is as you are explaining, that you only fold, pack, and send these flyers, and they are only a small percentage of the flyers you do, then it is okay to perform this work. If you are able to excuse yourself from handling these flyers, that would be better.

Almighty Allah knows best.


Aslam o Aleyküm! I am Muhammad Umer. In Ramzan all Muslim offer Trawih. But in Pakistan there are many firqah. So, I want to ask that how many Raqt of Trawih should I offer 13 or 20?


Scholars have differed over how many units of tarawih should be performed. Most scholars said that 20 is preferred but praying 8 or 36 or any other number is also fine. So pray at the masjid you trust and enjoy the most and inshallah you prayers will be accepted.

Almighty Allah knows best.

Monday, Apr. 18, 2022 | 22:00 - 23:30 GMT

Session is over.
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