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Mixed questions


1. I wanted to know if this hadeeth is authentic

The prophet said:

“A person prays sixty years but his prayer is not accepted. Perhaps he performs the prostration properly but  not the bowing down ,or he performs the bowing down properly but not the prostration“

2.A friend of mine asked me about a person who was supposed to be my senior and proposed her for marriage..i didn't know much about him..but my another friend knew about him and i asked her about it and informed her the same…is this considered gheebat..?

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Also my family follows some dais, they said that socks aren't necessary for women's prayers to be valid..i said them the correct view but my family wasn't accepting so i said that there are some shortcomings of the dais and also said what that shortcoming was(that they aren't Scholars but are just students of knowledge) so that they do not follow them this also gheebat?

I frequently feel uneasy about what i heard and spoke in the day..and the entire day i ponder if this is gheebat and feel sad..what should I do about this? 3. Can a person who have any book and want to share knowledge with friends can they send them pictures or scanned file so that they can read and then delete it..also if a person gets a voucher code with a book..can she share that with her friend..?


Here are my brief answers to your questions in their respective order:

1- The hadith you referred is a dubious one as there are weak links in its chain. However, the performing Ruku and sujud properly is an essential integral of the prayer. It has been stated clearly in other well-attested traditions: The Prophet (peace be upon him) once told a person to repeat the prayer and then said to him that he should pause while bowing, while rising and standing erect prostrating, etc. Therefore, a person needs to pray right. The Prophet (PBUH) also said, “Pray as you have seen me praying.” (Al-Bukhari)

Therefore, we can never exaggerate the importance of praying rightly; it includes observing the correct form and genuine spirit and mindfulness.

Having said this, we must also add that Islam teaches us that Allah is Merciful, and He accepts the good deeds of His servants, as long as they do it with the right intention and devotion, even if they fail to observe all of the nitty-gritty details. 

2- If you are asked about the character of a person (man or woman) who is proposing to marry another person, you ought to tell them what you know of them. That is not considered Ghibah or backbiting.

Testifying or giving witness when called to do so is a religious duty. Therefore, if we are asked to vouch for a marriage candidate’s character, we must sincerely and truthfully do so. 

Marriage is an important matter which impacts the life of another person. Therefore, we owe it as a religious duty towards them to protect them by providing what we know of them to determine their eligibility for marriage.

3- According to Imam Abu Hanifah and some other scholars, covering the feet for salah is not considered an essential integral for the validity of prayer, including Imam At-Tabari and others. In contentious matters among schools or scholars, you are free to choose one of the views, and while doing so, you have no right to condemn others.

To condemn them for holding a different view on contentious issues is not the proper method of Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jama’ah or the mainstream Muslims. So, I would urge you not to fight with people over such fiqh minutia.

Almighty Allah knows best.

Thursday, Jan. 01, 1970 | 00:00 - 00:00 GMT

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