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Your Religiosity Is Not Your Spouse’s Responsibility

This is the second episode of our series on Tips for Happy Marriage when sister Hana discusses the importance of understanding our religiosity and how to improve it before marriage.

Muslims often think that by getting married, their faith will automatically increase. However, this is a myth. Just because you get married, you will not feel closer to Allah. In fact, you must first ensure your relationship with Allah alone before getting married because it is not your spouse’s responsibility.

In this video, sister Hana will also talk about the issue of spiritual burnout, and how becoming one that practices Islam attracts the right person for marriage.

The other parts of the series:

#1 Why Do I Want To Get Married?

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About Hana Alasry
Hana Alasry is a physician associate practicing medicine in the US. She has over 10 years of Islamic community organizing experience. She is the founder of SALIM Life LLC and has a self-improvement brand which focuses on God-Conscious Self-Improvement. She has a particular interest in premarital preparation and healing chronic trauma and offers personal coaching, group coaching, workshops & more. You can find more about Hana's work at, on Tiktok (@HanathePA) and on Youtube (Hana Alasry).