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Going for Hajj 2023: In Pictures

There are only a few weeks left until Hajj rituals begin this year, with millions of pilgrims from all around the world embarking on the spiritual journey.

Believers are gathering and departing from their homelands to fulfill the 5th pillar of Islam.

Check out these amazing pictures about intending pilgrims as they set out for Hajj.

South Africa

Going for Hajj 2023: In Pictures - About Islam

Bus with travellers from South Africa to Makkah. Source: Sahuc Hajj


Going for Hajj 2023: In Pictures - About Islam

358 Pligrims departs from Jigawa State to Jeddah. from Source: Azman Air Services

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Kashmir, India

Going for Hajj 2023: In Pictures - About Islam

Families saying goodbye before leaving for Hajj from Srinagar. Source: The Rising Kashmir.

The Philippines

Going for Hajj 2023: In Pictures - About Islam

Pilgrims from Socsksargen are boarding to fly to Saudi Arabia. Source: Sheikh Moctar Alangan.

Balochistan, Pakistan

Going for Hajj 2023: In Pictures - About Islam

Believers in front of the airport of Quetta, ready to depart. Source: Balochistan News Group


Going for Hajj 2023: In Pictures - About Islam

A group is waiting for to begin their travel from Dhaka to Hajj. Source: Hajj Camp Dhaka