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Explaining Hajj & Its Rituals to Your Kids

During this time of the year, kids will hear a lot about Hajj.

Itโ€™s a good opportunity for parents to teach their kids about the holy journey and its significance and explain hajj rituals in a simplified way.

Itโ€™s true that children understand better with visual explanations and imagery; here is a simple way to do that.

Teach them the Meaning of Hajj

Hajj is the 5th basic duty in Islam. It is a visit to the Kaโ€™bah in Makkah during Dhul Hijjah.

Explaining Hajj & Its Rituals to Your Kids - About Islam

It is a once-in-a-lifetime obligation for Muslims who have the physical and financial ability to undertake the journey. 

Explain Hajj Rituals

Talk with them about the rituals. Mention the Ihram clothes, the tawaf, walking between Safa and Marwa, visiting Mina, standing at Arafat, stoning the Jamarat, shaving our hairs, drinking zamzam water, and celebrating Eid al-Adha.

Explain Hajj to Kids

Learn About the Kaโ€™bah

Give details about the Kaโ€™bah, its construction, and its reparations.

Explaining Hajj & Its Rituals to Your Kids - About Islam

The Kaโ€™bah is the house of Allah in the city of Allah.

We Muslims pray facing towards it, wherever we are. This direction is the Qiblah. You can make a model of it too.

Tell the Story of Prophet Ibrahim (AS)

Narrate what happened to baby Ismail and his mother, Hajar, and how Prophet Ibrahim obeyed the command of Allah despite this hard sacrifice he had to make.

He was ready to do that, but Allah sent down a lamb instead, and it was slaughtered. This is what we remember on each Eid al-Adha.

We also relate to this through the sacrifices we make during our lives for the sake of Allah. 

The Clothes of Ihram

Explain what Muslims wear on Hajj and why.

Explaining Hajj & Its Rituals to Your Kids - About Islam

Show them images, or you can try to dress up one of the kids.

Memorize the Talbiya

Learn together what Muslims recite during the pilgrimage and explain its meaning too. Recite the Takbir of Eid together.

Explaining Hajj & Its Rituals to Your Kids - About Islam

Perform a Mini-Hajj

Put into practice what you have been learning so far. Invite your kids to perform a mini-Hajj. It helps to embed knowledge more deeply.